Yeahhhhh. So. I've decided to just type out random disjointed thoughts about AX, okay? Just cause it's taking up my brain space~
Okay. GO.
Strange day, this one.
LM.C panel was first. I wanted to go to the GaGaalinG one tooo, but we ended up getting in line for the LM.C one instead. Good idea, cause it got soooo packed. :O We were totally close, and I was in the aisle. >3 Blocking people, no doubt. Mmm. I don't remember much. But it was pretty great. Maya is so awkward, it's great. I don't even know why, either. XD
Main stuff, out of order:
- Maya's never had a cavity! :O We found this out after someone asked him what his favorite flavor of candy was, and he like took his lollipop out of his mouth and looked at it for a second, then was like "Remon~" <-- with the squiggly, for sure. And then Aiji didn't know, so Maya tried to stick his lollipop in his mouth, and of course, Aiji has to smack him. So all the fangirls are like :DDDDDDDDDDD me included, OBVIOUSLY. XDDD
- Hmm. At one point, in the middle of the thing, for no reason, Maya decided to stand up, and yes, STRIKE A POSE, no point to it whatsoever. I think he was bored. And so everyone screams like crazy, and he's trying to keep a serious face. So he sits down, and we're still screaming. And he glances down, and (via the translator): "I spilled my water." <-- no emotion. :O That for some reason, was the most hilarious thing ever. I won't even try to explain it, ahahah.
- He was also asked what was his most embarrassing moment, and said it was right now, with all of us staring at him. XDDD
- Uhhhhh. OH. Ahahahahah. This one guy, started this rant about the fuzzy arm things they wear!! Like WHAT!? XDDD He was just ranting about it, and the question ended up being "Why are you the only two who wear the fuzzy arm things in blah blah blah PV?!" or something to that effect, and Maya makes a face, cause we're all laughing extremely hard, cause it was SO STUPID! And then he's like "It was cold." AND THAT'S IT. O_____O WEIRD.
I think that's all?! We all mobbed them and took a huge group picture afterwards.
Just, really, the best part about the whole thing is how like "What the fuck..." Maya looks the whole time. XDDD Like, not even obviously or anything. He's just so amused looking, while keeping a completely straight face. :OOO AIJI SHOULD HAVE TALKED MORE.
And then, and then, it was announced that they would be giving autographs allllll the way in the Artist's Alley, so I runnnnnnnnnnnnnnn alllllll the way over there. And help out these two Japanese ladies who didn't know where they were going. They were so nice. :3 They kept thanking me. All I did was run and let them run after me. XDDD BUT ANYWAY.
- Standing in line. We were like way back, even if we ran. But the line got sooo much bigger after us! We get numbered tickets to stop the cuttings.
- CARD-BO GACKT. This one needs a picture:
It's blurry cause I had to turn the flash off, so Gackt's disturbingly white face didn't get flashed out. >D
Yeah. That's right. Gackt is wearing an I heart Gackt button. Appropriate, isn' t it? (:
- We get like wayyy up there, and then are told that the autographs are stopping after 150. I was 172. -______- Great, right? But whateverrrr. Then just handshakes. Aiji's like "Thank you. ._." <-- CAUSE WHEN IS HIS FACE NOT DOING THAT? XDDD Justtt kiddingggg, he smileddd. And Maya's like "Arigatou~~" Cause you know, gay. :D BUT ANYWAY, their hands were so soft! :OOOO Maya's especially, ahahah. Well obviously, Aiji + guitar and everything. >___> IT WAS WEIRD. Right after I shake their hands, I go over to my mom, and am like "MAYA'S HANDS ARE SOFT! :O" and she starts laughing all hard. XDDD It was a natural response. :(
After that, we wander over to the Dealer's Hall to stalk Riku for a while. He's there. Being awesome. At the Cure booth. So, I get a picture (and a cell phone video, BUT THAT'S A SECRET) before "supaa sutaffu" lady asks me not to take pictures. XD But it's all good, cause I already got one~
Riku has no eyeballs! :D Yeah, I know. You wish you were that cool.
- We stalk him. A whole bunch of people hug him, I was wayyy too shy still by then, so I didn't. XD But I was amused by everyone else hugging him, ahahah.
- I think you should know that his stomach is amazing. AMAZING. I couldn't stop staring at it. It's seriously a holy space.
- So we buy some photobooks to get signed later.
And then we wander around or something. I don't remember. XD I think that's when I saw the sexiest poster ever. *__* Okay, so there's like, been better or something. But there was a serious lack of Miyavi in the Dealer's Hall! D: Not cool. So I buy the poster. It's being sexy above my head as we speak.
- Little Tokyo now. We go loiter about outside. Walk past uhhh... Happy Mart or summat. I don't remember. XD BUT THEN, we go inside, get THIS, MAGICAL DRINK:
:D Which I had a moment over, ahahah. Yeah. I'm THAT sad. :D And also some Tomato Pretz! :D They're like Pocky, BUT FOOD! :D It was a joyful moment.
This really just explains it:
LEEUH, YOU BETTER BE SCARED. Not to mention how I disappeared. :O
- Anyway, I sit down next to Yoshiki-in-a-dress!girl, and a whole crowd of other random cosplayers. XD And we eventuallyyyy go in. After having incredibly pretty boys being in my space. :( It's annoying when no one is there the ONLY time I check out boys! I mean, COME ON! D:
- Sigh. We watch some VelBet and such stuff, blah blah. Stuffed into the room. I'm dying. I was SO uncomfortable for the first whatever it was. I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT IT WAS BECAUSE OF THIS. XDDD
- And thennnn, DUN DUN DUNNN, we get in line to get stuff signeddd~~~
- BUT I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT KURO! DDDD: Kurooooo. I love you Kurooooo. DDDDD: Yeah. So I go up to him first, and say sorry, and that I don't have anything for him to sign, and unconsciously bow, cause don't Japanese people just make you do that? XDDDD Like, you find yourself nodding and bowing just because they're there. :OOOO That better not be just me. xDDD Yes. But I start walking past him, cause I didn't have anything for him to sign. :((((( But he motions for me to come back, and shakes my hand and tells me he's Kuro the drummer in VelBet, and I nod a bunch, not even on purpose :OOO, and I was probably being rude somehow, BUT I WAS NERVOUS! D: And then he says nice to meet you, and it was cute :3, and I say nice to meet you too, and then say sorry about fifty more times, while proceeding to scurry over to Riku. XDDDD It sucks though, cause I was the third person in line! And he was still nervous! So alsdkfjsdkjdf, couldn't they have gotten someone less weird than me to talk to him first?! D: Totally uncool. XD I made him feel awkward, I bet you, ahahah.
- YEAH. RIKU TIME. I had something for him to sign! DX I go over there, and say hi, which was weird, ahahah. He smiles and signs his faceeeee. And then, supposedly (I didn't see him, but my mom did! :O), the Cure president GASP! I LOVE HIM!, shoves me over there. Well, uhh, nudges. XD Behind the counter, and I go stand there and pose (supaa sutaffu lady was using my camera~) and so does he and IT'S JUST A MAGICAL MOMENT. So I shake his hand and bow unconsciously and say thank you and then leave, all like OH MY GOD, cause, first of all, I had NO IDEA we were taking pictures!!! NO IDEA. So I was freaking out over that. And he's greattttttt. And I go outside and am like OMG AIR. And then start giggling. THE END.
I love this picture, oh my gosh. It's seriously the most hilarious thing ever. Are you ready for it? XDDDD
LOOK AT MY KERMIT PANTS! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD And how tall I am compared to him, ahahhahah. He had heel like things, too. >____> Ohhhh, and my leg position! WHY AM I DOING THAT?! XDDDDDD Unconscious Kattie awkwardness. :D
It's the most awkward picture ever, and I LOVE it. Seriously love it. I could have taken my jacket off, so I didn't look so monstrous compared to him, ahahha. IT'S NOT MY FAULT HE'S TINY. XDDD But the awkwardness is sooo better this way~~ I mean, come on! Riku's smiling more than me! Ahahahha. XDDD
- Yeah. Uhh. We stood outside for a while, stalking everyone. Watching Riku be wonderful, and Kuro bending over the counter. >3
Like so:
Sigh. Kuro. :D I love him for some reason, and have no idea why. XDDD Cause he was awkward and cute when he talked to me, probably. But I was also awkward. :D And by the end, he was sooo not nervous anymore. XDDD And was like posing people himself, haahha. This one girl, when I was watching, he put her arm around his waist, and his arm around her shoulder, and threw up a peace sign, and it was HILARIOUS. Cause she was like :O
I loved it. GREAT TIMES.
- OH, BUT. Fucking Riku. D: As you can see, his costume is like aldkfjsdkfjsd hot. In both ways, of course. And so, Yuki and Elfys (Uhh, can't explain them.) were like fanning him at one point. And he like opens his jacket thing and leans back like ahhhhhh, and is all stretched out, and it's like STOMACH, and oh my gosh, LEEUH!! You would have orgasmed over his neck, for sure. But aldkfjsd, I probably started drooling. I NEEDDDDD A PICTURE OF THAT. He was messing around and knew he was hot too. :(
YEP. But then we leave. It's like twelve or one or something. XDDD And I take a picture of my signed photobook~
Odd. :O
YES. I think that's all? Oh. I of course went and got some Coke + fries againnnn. XDDD I really don't know what's up with me and that, ahahah. Pretty Japanese boys obviously make me crave junk food? Yep.
Oh my. That was long again. O_O And now I'm lazy again. Ahahaha. It's impossible for me to type anything short. :O Next is day three, which is actually much less eventful, even if it is Saturday. O___O