Apr 01, 2010 00:14
April Fool's Day...it's always been too lighthearted a holiday for me to appreciate it's basis on lies.
Still, there might be some amusement to be found on this day...even if I have to make it myself. Hee hee hee!
still crazy,
4th wall event,
april fool's
Feb 06, 2010 01:29
[Today Wallachia can be seen watering his front yeard, whistling. He waves to everyone who passes, as though everything is perfectly normal. You would be forgiven for thinking he's brainwashed.]
[And then you notice that the water coming out of the can is quite red.]
creeping you out,
its really fruit puch,
mocking this place
Jan 30, 2010 01:51
[A voice comes from the phone system. It seems he has an idea of this place already]
No, no, no! It is foolish to cast an actor in a role that is not proper for him! I demand to speak to the director and the playwright! The script is clearly flawed and needs revisions! As it is, I refuse refuse refuse refuse!
improper role,