KAT-TUNの亀梨 酔ってトラブル
デイリースポーツ KAT-TUNの亀梨和也(22)が、酔ってタクシー運転手と口論になり警察に事情を聴かれるトラブルがあったことが17日、分かった。
亀梨の担当弁護士は「事件性はなく示談書などもない。相手の方にもわかっていただいた」と説明。亀梨自身も猛省している。来年1月スタートの日本テレビ 系主演ドラマ「神の雫」ではビール会社の社員役を演じるため、酒がらみのトラブルはご法度。今回の騒動で、改めて自分が酔わず、視聴者を酔わせる熱演を 誓っているようだ。
According to the article from Daily Sports
Kamenashi Kazuya got drunk and had a quarrel with the taxi driver, which got out of hand, resulting in police being called in.
The trouble happened on Oct 23rd's early morning. Kamenashi was returning home by taxi, but he misunderstood that the driver was taking the wrong route. He then told the driver that the road was wrong, and they both alighted the taxi and had an aggressive quarrel.
There was no violence involved but the passerby which witnessed the happening was shocked and called the police. Kamenashi was then picked up from the police station and was sent back by the company's staff. Days later, it was made known that the route was actually correct and Kamenashi apologized to the driver. The driver too accepted his apology.
Kamenashi's lawyer said "there was no lawsuit involved, and the other party understands as well". Kamenashi himself is extremely remorseful towards the incident.
Not nice, Kame.