whoot! massive funness at the pancake breakfast! Amber showed up just randomly, which was exciting, and she got to meet one of my littles, but the other two one can only assume were at RPI, since I knocked on both their doors, and there was no answer in either room, and Katie poked her head into Kristina's even (since it was unlocked) and she wasn't there... :( but still had mucho funness. We danced, ate pancakes, talked... Lauren actually responded to something I said, and not in a negative tone! And Amber and I hugged before she left, so that def seems way good. I guess maybe finals is a time of letting go of dead arguements...? Because I know that I haven't had a problem with either of the two, but I've been unsure as to how they feel about me, so I've been reluctant to approach them and say Hey! How's it been? kind of thing.... but sitll, mucho funness. :) Then we went to Taco Bell (and Wendy's for Havah) and I actually used the back back seat in my car, since 7 people wanted to go. Go station wagon! :) And I am up to 52 ring turns, even though I technically shouldn't be wearing it, but I figure for a few minutes, for some people to turn it won't be a problem... now watch, tomorrow morning I'll break out in a rash... That would be my luck... :( but I doubt it.. :) Besides, I'm going to *eventually* send it off to get it redone.... I don't have to pay the 55$ replacement fee or whatever it's for, because it's not my fault that I can' wear it, so the only thing that I have to worry about is the difference in the cost of the metals... which because the white gold is more pricy than the silver that I'm changing it to, I'm getting like 100$ back! :) whoot. I just have to send it off, then wait for it to be remade, since it'll be a new ring that they'll be sending back, but everything else will be the same, just with a different metal as the main thing.... I have to change away from the white gold because of the nickel concentration.... I should have gotten it in the silver to begin with, but I think for some reason I liked the white gold better.... It probably had a tint of yellow in it that made it appealing, but I do know that I don't like yellow gold.... Rose gold I think is decent... that's what my parents' wedding bands are made out of, and my mom had this ring once that was white gold, yellow gold, and rose gold intertwined and braided together, and they could also seperate into the individual rings too.... it was really pretty, but it made it easy to see the difference in the golds... :)
Ok, I'm tired so I'm going to head to bed now, but g'nite all! :Hugs to all who read!: