Previously, on The Dork Legacy:
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This is our last update before uni, which is exciting. :D Gen 3 is turning out to be the shortest so far, which is honestly kind of a relief for me, heh. However, expect lots of spam in this update, as I apparently paid lots of attention to small details.
Because I ended last update awkwardly, we're going to start this one out awkwardly! I'm pleased to know that sims let their nine year olds handle huge pruning shears unattended.
What are the responsible adults doing while this is happening?
Getting high off of Snapdragon fumes, apparently...
DUN DUNNNNN!!! *dramatic damsel scream*
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the house, something adorable is happening.
Roman: Tooba snooboo~!
Miraluka: Ba ba ba baaa!
Me: O___O <3333!!!
Best picture of the whole update, yes?
Though this one gives it a run for its money...
Agnes: 3<
Willoughby: ...Is she okay?
Shelby: Too...much...snapdragon...-.<
Shelby: RAAAR! FURY!!
Shelby: Uh...whoa, is that a plane?
Willoughby: Bitch can't even hold her snapdragon...
Shelby: Heeheehee, my feet are on upside-down now!
Willoughby: She should know not to directly inhale...
Shelby: WHOA man...whoa...whoa...hold up a second. Did anyone else see that demon ballerina?
Shelby: Oh God! Oh God! The balledemon is tickling me! Oh the tickling!
Willoughby: ...>.<
Shelby: Heh heh. I showed HIM.
Nettie: Old man, if I had a guitar right here, I would show you how to ROCK!
Nettie: I'd be all like, meedly meedly RWAAAAAOOH!
Nettie: You like me now, right?
Algren: >[
Blaster: Miniature human, I require sustenance. With a preference for tuna.
Einstein and Vanessa: *make out*
Algren: *plusplus*
Verdana: DUDE are they gonna have sex?! :DD
Also, nice scarf there, Einstein. Wouldn't want to catch a chill.
Einstein: Oh, my darling Snapdragon...
Me: Um...excuse me but wtf r u doin?
Vanessa: Oh darling, I've never felt so close to you!
Verdana: Huh. So that's how WooHoo works.
Me: No! No, that's wrong!
Doll: *starestare*
Vanessa: *gropes Einstein's butt*
I very nearly made this the teaser
Again with the plant!
Well, I hope you've enjoyed your health class for today. See you again next week!
Roman: Hello? This thing on?
Roman: Look, today I think we have a huge issue to talk about.
Roman: And...I do mean HUGE.
Roman: I am, of course, talking about my penis. It can be found right here.
Roman: I personally think it's pretty great!
Roman: As is the rest of me. :D
Roman: Hug me, dear brother!
Tre: No! Your huge penis might touch me!
Roman: Awww. ;-; It's a curse.
And now for birthdays! Cakes are for the weak!
Tre: *bamf*
Verdana: *bamf!*
Hard to tell that these two are brothers...
Awww, he's a freaking sweetie! rolled Romance. lol.
Trebuchet is a very shiny teenager, who rolled Pleasure.
And the very gorgeous Verdana rolled Knowledge. That makes... *counts* ...five Knowledge sims in this house.
Arial: *also bamf!* I think she's very beautiful. ^_^ And just because she's a clone, doesn't mean she gets ignored...she just never does anything interesting.
Verdana: Dear Livejournal. Today I discovered hormones. I am now horribly depressed and would like someone to touch me. Down there. Woe is my life.
In case you were wondering whether or not Nettie was still being a trifling ho piccadilly whore Romance sim. Note the loving husband ready for WooHoo.
And now for some incredibly hot Roman spam:
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. However, before you change your underwear, I'd like to present my personal favourite, in widescreen hi-def Blu-ray format:
And end. Sorry if this breaks any layouts, but I thought it was worth it.
Bilbo: *wishes he was as hot as his son*
Because there wasn't all ready enough Shelby spam in this update.
Miraluka: *can still OH GOD SEE FOREVER*
I attempted to remedy the horrifying eyes with glasses. It's not so bad. But UGH it makes me mad because the rest of her face is completely ruttin' gorgeous.
I finally knuckled down and got some contacts for Miraluka. She's so pretty!
Ithoria has a kind of small-nose thing going on...but is still pretty darn cute despite the freaky eyes.
Einstein: So...I heard your speech know. *points* You'll need that later, for girls.
Roman: You don't need to tell me, grampa! I know all about girls...
Roman: When I meet them, I kiss 'em! Like this!
Roman: Right?
Ithoria: As you can see, ladies and gentlemen of the board, I am double-jointed in this hand.
Ithoria: This is one of many reasons why I should be heir of the Dork legacy. :<
Roman: Dude, in college, I'm gonna kiss so many chicks!
Verdana: Oh, I know! I'm gonna make all the boys crazy for me!
Verdana: I'm gonna walk in in my sexy dress and be like... BAM!
Verdana: Like this!
Roman: Yes! Yes! That's the ticket!
HK-47: *hovers*
What the...? That was the most USELESS chance card ever!
And this, folks, is where all the trouble began. I wanted another Servo around the house, so I had Willoughby start making one.
About five minutes later, the game crashed.
And every time I tried to load the lot after that, I'd get this.
So I underwent a huge process of following instructions, starting with taking out my downloads, going through all the system files to see if something was corrupted, and ending with having to move the Dorks out of their house completely. ;-;
Then, I moved them back into their home lot, to save time. And guess what!
Tara's grave was still there!
And so were these two! And also Adrian Rusewicz's, who was the last victim of the cowplant. Everything else, of course, was gone. Including Caedmon's grave, for whatever reason.
I still had this glitch, of course. -.-
And then I noticed this rather interesting want...
And then she tried to autonomously Tune Up HK-47. Who happily rejected her!
HK-47: Pleased Statement: Do not touch me, meatbag! What would your husband, who is standing just behind me, think of our indiscretions.
Bao-Dur: *seethe*
Bao-Dur: I don't hit ladies, but I got nothing against slappin' hoes! >(
Bao-Dur: Grrr...
Nettie: Well, that went okay! ^_^
Bao-Dur: I'm on a swing now!! :DDD
Er...yeah. What is it with my game crashing, and then when I move the Dorks back in, someone autonomously cheats? And they get rejected, and there's slapping, and then two seconds later everyone's happy again? O.o
Tre: Oh God...that's...disgusting!
Me: What is?
Hahaha, that's cute.
Look! It's forgotten girl Arial! She's so cute!
Anyway. Slowly I began to rebuild the house. I got this far, and was feeling rather pleased with the way things were going this time around. I started playing, and had Willoughby start on that Servo again when...the game crashed again. >.> And...I hadn't saved yet.
So when I loaded the lot up again, it was still just as if they'd just moved in. And this time Nettie saw fit not to be a cheating ho.
And Verdana saw fit to be very pretty.
And this time I just said, "screw it" and spawned a new Servo. I's not entirely cheating if Willoughby *could* make a new one...and since I thought maybe that's what was messing up my game, I figured it was worth it.
And thanks to that tutorial posted on thesims2 community...
Ladies and GladOS Dork.
GladOS: It is very good to meet you. I am genuinely happy to make the acquaintance of someone like you. I am thrilled deeply. My Aperture Science Joy Tingling Nodes are tingling with joy.
I decided to give HK a makeover as well...however, you may not see much of him in the future, as it is currently my belief that he is in fact the problem with the Dork household.
Tre: I don't like the new robot. She's mean to me.
GladOS: That is the end of this phase of the test. You won the test. In fact, you won so much that, next week, there will be another test. And then, there will be cake. Aperture Science (Livejournal Branch) can not be held responsible for abrupt endings due to frustration with glitches, nor anger in test subjects who felt that there was not enough plot, nor accidental death due to incineration after Aperture Science (Livejournal Branch) Feedback Comments have been received from the test subjects. Thank you, and have a nice day.