So, does anyone here from my non-jibcon-flist still remember my little summary of
Richards underwear prank from 10 days ago?
Back at that time, I had a suspicion, but couldn't be 100% sure from where I was sitting.
Now thanks to Stephanie and her awesome photo-taking skills, I have proof and can say for sure:
Misha Collins was really wearing underwear that I personally bought especially for him. \o/
Because this
Source: My big thank you goes to
Stephanie for not just making the picture, but also letting me use it here.
Click the
links to see the rest of her awesome photo-collections.
is really the Bruno Banani MAN-shorts with the "Lost Paradise"-motiv, which I bought just days before JIBCon here in Hamburg, cause I just couldn't walk past them without buying them.
So from the two pairs of underwear I bought for this little prank, one got a "these are perfect - that's the keeper pile" - mention on Saturday and the other was chosen from the pile to be actually worn on Sunday - two out of two for win. *smirk*
In other news:
BAD: I have been coughing my lungs out for a week now. It's time for this stupid annoying makes-me-feel-like-shit-cold to go away now.
BAD: The coughing fits add to my already existing insomnia.
GOOD: I already booked JIB-Con 2 :)))))
GOOD: Episode 100 of Supernatural tonight (or tomorrow rather for us) \o/
GOOD: Almost weekend, where I can sleep in again.