Fic: Photographic Memory

Jun 07, 2010 19:42

Title: Photographic Memory
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 1024
Summary: Remus receives a letter.
Author’s Notes: A belated birthday fic for shimotsuki, who gave me the prompt 'photo album' enabling me to finally tackle a plot bunny I've had since I began writing fanfic. I'm afraid it's not very cheerful for a present, lol.

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fanfic, harry potter, remus

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Comments 2

shimotsuki June 7 2010, 19:26:48 UTC
Oh, this is wonderful! Thank you so much. :)

This is a missing moment I had never thought about before, but I'm not sure why not, since it's a poignant and important one (well, important to us Remus fans anyway, heh).

I like the images you've chosen for the photos -- they sort of represent Marauders-in-a-nutshell. I had to laugh at Peter burning his notes, and Lily's serendipitously arty shot.

And I really like the way that Hagrid's request forces Remus to look at the photos he's been avoiding, only for him to find that the memories aren't as painful as he'd expected.

I'm so glad to read something new from you, and it's all the more fun knowing that it's a birthday fic for me!


sspring92 June 8 2010, 05:07:12 UTC
SO sweet! and very original! I never thought about where those photos Hagrid gave him came from. But this makes absolute perfect sense!


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