The last week or so I spent (re-)watching Nana. I... can't express in words how awesome this series is, and I can't wait for the manga to be done so the second half can come out already.
Ah yes, the manga. After I (re-)watched the show, I got caught up on the manga via scanlation, and... it's still going and I have to wait at least another month for more. No. Just no. I want it now, dammit. I'm far too emotionally invested in these characters and this storyline in general, and I don't want to wait. Or at least, I want to know how much longer I have to keep feeling this way every month until the series is complete.
*rips hair out* I know I'm making sense to no one but myself (and maybe other people who've invested time in the series) but.. dammit. And then I started looking for another series to distract myself, manga or anime, and ... can't find anything. Everything else pales in comparison to that perfect blend of humor/drama/romance. Possibly because Nana's the only anime/manga to ever make me seriously cry. I feel like a baby for admitting to that.
Someone, please send help. Either direct me toward another series as good, or give me something fluffy and distracting.
... oh, and yeah, that's why I haven't been present on any of the MMO-age lately. That and I just feel burnt out on dealing with people. Watching/reading Nana and getting back into playing Lost Odyssey are good enough for me right now.