A Supernatural Musing 5/10

Jun 07, 2011 12:16

Title: A Supernatural Musing
Topic: Supernatural
Genre: Het, Friendship, Adventure, Horror, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, OFC
Pairings: That would be spoilers ;-)
Beta: jooles34 
Summary: The Winchester brothers investigate a few supernatural deaths, and quickly discover that there is more to them than meets the eye. ( Read more... )

a supernatural musing, shyloh muse, supernatural, castiel, dean winchester, sam winchester

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Comments 2

shmabs June 7 2011, 20:54:22 UTC
DAMN YOUUUUUUU! NO ME GUSTA THIS ENDING. NO ME GUSTA NADA. Anyways, I loved the demons solution for Sam's tattoo. Bloody, inelegant, but intelligent. BUT YOU HAD BETTER BRING THE TATTOO BACK SOON. Just sayin'. Can't wait to see what happens to mah baby! Oh, and Shyloh and Dean too :]


buxombard August 23 2012, 16:38:51 UTC
I do so hope you're planning to finish this. I can't wait to see what happens next! I love the whole fresh idea you're sporting for this story. It's great! Really looking forward to more. It looks like it's been about a year since you added any more to it though? I hope that doesn't mean you've stopped writting it? because I gotta tell you, it rocks so far!


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