I've started a blog

Dec 12, 2012 17:55

So. In accordance with the subject line, I've started a blog as an attempt to get rid of my writers block, which has been enslaving me for over a year now. Check it out? I'll be posting at least once a day in an attempt to find the inspiration that I've lost. Some will be personal and some wont.



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Comments 6

shanachie_quill December 13 2012, 00:22:50 UTC
Hey she's alive! How be you?


kausingkayn December 13 2012, 00:49:06 UTC
I'm good! Finals week right now for my first semester in college. I'm about 24 hours away from complete freedom for a month before spring classes start. How have you been?


shanachie_quill December 13 2012, 14:54:14 UTC
Oh wow! How are you liking it? What are you studying? Woohoo! Freedom :-D

I am taking care of my grandmother at the moment, but in the process of looking for a job. And contemplating a move. I'm also headed out of town next week to spend some time with my step-family and my friends. It's been...interesting.


milady_dragon December 13 2012, 00:30:49 UTC
Hey, stranger! I hope your blog shakes your muses awake. If that doesn't work, then poking them with pointy objects works for mine. *grins*

I'll give you this icon, and you can pretend that Ten are your muses and that Gibbs doesn't like them. *nods*


kausingkayn December 13 2012, 00:49:39 UTC
:-D Maybe Gibb's can slap some inspiration into me? I'd take anything right now.


milady_dragon December 13 2012, 00:55:37 UTC
Certainly, if Gibbs can slap sense into Tony, then his type of coercion can work on your inspiration issues.


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