Welcome to challenge #26.
The lovely Mr. Smith will have his Birthday this Sunday and since he'll be 42 we really need to create a few nice Icons out of images snapped in the past few Months, 'cause...
The Man is like Wine.
And as you all now 42 is THE answer!
- You may submit up to 5 (five) icons.
- Please, only use the images provided.
- Submit your icons as a reply to this entry, both the image and URL. Comments will be screened.
- Must be original icons made for this challenge.
- Must meet LJ standards: 100x100 px and 40KB maximum.
- GIF, PNG or JPG formats only.
- Animation is not allowed.
- Don't post your icons anywhere else until winners have been announced and don't tell anyone which icons are yours.
- Challenge will end on Tuesday, 15th May at 23:59 your Time.
Go here for ->
The Caps.
P.S.: Please be so kind and vote here for
Challenge #25!
We really need more Votes.