Remember how I'm in that writing mood? I plan on taking advantage of it. Do you remember how ages ago I hinted at starting my own full length Zutara fic? I had the plot written up ages ago, but just now decided to continue that half written first chapter that's been sitting in my hardrive for who knows how long
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Comments 21
haha, I just posted up my registration for the ficathon xDD *is shot*
Anyways, YAY FULL-LENGTH ZUTARA!!! I should working on some full-length fic already! I even got a secret account so my sis couldn't stalk me, but my muse is way low -__-;;;;
And another original plot from you!!! *I haven't read the entire thing yet, but the beginning is certainly interesting* It's totally awesome :DD
Homg don't shoot yourself. You're a veteran! You have experience! You turned your story on time! Please, I'm glad for your re-registration♥. It brings tears of joy to my heart.
Did you know that I too will be participating in the ficathon? xD Shh...keep it on the hush-hush♥.
Oh, I shall poke your muse on a daily basis so that you may use your SUPER SECRET FF.NET ACCOUNT to its fullest. Than we can be whores together, yay!
Eheh, why thank you my dear. Your thoughts are definitely appreciated♥.
2. The story is so original! I love the premise. I certainly haven't read anything like it. I hope you continue to write and post more of it.
Homg thank you so much hun. I really isn't as bad as I originally thought. ^^; I appreciate your input THIS MUCH♥!
There were a few little grammar mistakes I noticed. I don't know if you've had it betaed yet or not, so I don't want to get all technical on you. I figure you're just wanting to test the plot out on us right now.
Write more!!!
Oh there were? I didn't have someone else beta it cause she's too busy with college now, and I don't want to bug her. So I did it myself, and as always, no matter how many times the writer checks over their work, there are still mistakes. Even if our eyes see the mistakes, our brain fills in the gaps because it knows what's coming next. *annoyed w/ this fact of life*
Oh please, get technical! If you remember where they were, would you mind pointing them out to me? I'd owe you ten zillion Lyn-love cookies♥. And yes, I twas testing the plot, but a quick grammar check would be wondrous.
Glad you like, I shall. ^^
I can tell you where he is, but for the other two you're on your own.” his uncle said while he prepared for his journey.
(I added "for") Also, maybe you should put "he" in italics, because it seems like it needs a little emphasis when Iroh says it the way he does.
His nose awoke before his eyes did. The smell of some sort of cooked meat filling his nostrils, teasing his denied stomach.
Because of the past tense used throughout the rest of this, the second sentence here doesn't fit as a sentence on its own. My suggestion would be to make it a part of the first sentence and it'll be fine.
Difficult to reach however, as it was a good 30 feet high, but he didn't concern himself much with it.
This sentence confused me. You're talking about the boomerang, and I think I get what you're trying to say, but it doesn't really make much sense. :)
The normally still and silent cave became tumultuous and loud for quite some time.This is the last sentence of chapter one and it ( ... )
But good lord, who ever knew you had such a good eye? Such a good beta eye might I add. I used most of your wondrous suggestions, as they all testified on why a fresh set of eyes must always, always, ALWAYS look over a serious piece of work before the public does. some free time? Would you like to be MY beta? xD We can be beta-buddies. I beta your stuff, you vice versa. What say you? Homg don't take it on if college is murdering you though, I don't want that.
But hit me up if you're up for it. I still have your email♥.
Again, thank you love♥. *love-glomps*
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Oh hun, I'm planning on shoving myself through my cd drive, speeding through cyberspace, and popping out of your cd drive, just to give you a ginormous, overdue but well deserved glomp of a hug. *tries*
I'll get it eventually. In the meantime, accept my cyber tackle glomp! *tackle glommps*
That was just great!
*loves it*
*Grins* I'm going to regret this, but I sign up to the ficaton. XD
Haha, your comment makes me laugh.
*loves you*
Oh, that's nice to know ^_^
*is loved and smiles*
Yeah, it's make me write long stories. XD
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