Lost you've lost me....

May 12, 2010 17:48

You know after watching a show for the past 3 years, a show that is not only innovative, but promised some damn answers when it ended has made me quite angry at its outcome...yes I've finally lost (pun intended) hope.

Ok, so I know that Lost has always loved to play with the audience. Ending with cliffhangers, switching and creating interesting back stories. But all in all I had hope that the reason those people were on the dang island, the smoke monster, Jacob, Charlie whoever and however they all got on the Island would ultimately be explained in a rational matter. But Nooo, J.J. Abrams in his grand "let's explain everything with time travel and made up science" mess has turned the lost final season into not answers but MORE questions which they promise every week with the final upcoming epidsode "EVERYTHING WILL BE EXPLAINED!"

Well, with only about 2 episodes left I'm still questioning everything. Like why the HELL does Jack have a kid in the "Alternate timeline", where is Walt at (and no him getting older in real life and therefore not being able to show him or that stupid explaination of Michael coming back to Hurly dead doesn't explain JACK! (pun not intended), Why the hell when Jacob threw his evil/good/neutral?? brother into the ooooh "golden light of magnetism" did he turn into the SMOKE MONSTER! Lost my dear you aren't helping the situation by throwing in more subplots when your series is about to end, seriously sweetie stop it.

Oh and that shitty, "we're going to tie the two dead bodies found in season 1 in a cave to last night's episode of Jacob's dead mother/brother situation" DOES NOT EXPLAIN ANYTHING! All it does it make you think, yeah 7 real years have passed cause Jack and Kate look so much older now (though I must admit Mathew Fox who plays Jack is still hot as hell).

Oh well that's my tyraid, it would make me happy if Lost can prove me wrong and have a great ending, but seriously I just don't think they can pull it off. Here's to hoping. 
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