
Nov 19, 2004 22:50

Hi. I'm sooo tired. Here's some random stuffs that happened this week.

1.) Test in govt. that i studied really hard for. Dunno how i did but i'm DYING to find out! >.2.) Tues. was a good day. ^_______^ Can't remember why. Lol ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

tidfu November 19 2004, 20:55:32 UTC
Huah! I had to play that "Honey, I love you! But I just can't smile game..." on a class trip once. I never ended up in the middle though. ;P

Disney...voice over audition?! That's awesome!!! Best luck to you! ^o^


kawaiianimegirl November 20 2004, 04:55:39 UTC
wow never in the middle?_? u must be good! ^_^ domo arigatou gozaimas! ^________^ i love ur icon by the way! ja! mata ne!


ex_hachimit November 20 2004, 03:00:36 UTC
A Disney voice-over audition?! That is fantastic, darling! XD *hugs* Glad everything's going good for you now, and good luck! ^_^


kawaiianimegirl November 20 2004, 04:56:00 UTC
arigatou gozaimas! *hugs back* ^_^


stardropz1023 November 21 2004, 11:30:07 UTC
1) I am sure you did good on the test. I hate it when teachers take forever to grade tests.
2)Glad Tuesday was a good day for you. =)
3)Glad you had a great time at improv team. I remember you telling me you had that game for a warm-up activity in drama class.
4)what scene? Is this something for drama class? good luck with it.
5)That's cool that you went over to a friends and learned to play pool and "kiss me". I stink at pool and I've never heard of "kiss me.
6)good luck.
-I feel soo special, cause I am your friend and you mentioned me...yeah!!


kawaiianimegirl November 22 2004, 16:40:05 UTC
thx so much for commenting!! ^_____________^ i'll try to check when u next update or if not, let me know when u next update! well c u 2morrow!


calcgoddess1183 November 28 2004, 21:41:03 UTC
In March 2003, I went with my BCM to New Orleans mission lab for our spring break trip. During one of our nights there we played the Honey I love you game. One of my friends came up to my other friend and licked her face, then tried to get her to smile. It didn't work!

Seriously though...good times!


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