Konnichiwa mina-san!!

Mar 05, 2005 09:09

Konnichiwa mina-san!! ^______^ Gomen nasai, it's taken me awile to post!!! *glomps and huggles friends list* How are all of you? Last night was Karaoke Night at school!! It was mostly drama people who came, but it was AWESOME!!!! ^________^ I sang "My Heart Will Go On" with one of my friends!! GAAAH!! I was so nervous!! ^.^;;;; And then I sang and ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

stardropz1023 March 5 2005, 15:57:33 UTC
Hey you actually updated!! Good for you. I love Gilmore Girls and Full House. I'll try and get on AIM later. I'm doing good as you know.


3lise March 12 2005, 03:49:22 UTC
karaoke night at school? man, i wish my school is that cool!
haha. that rhymes :P


99729 April 2 2005, 06:59:48 UTC

(The comment has been removed)

kawaiianimegirl April 9 2005, 04:19:30 UTC
No. I thought that 'otaku' meant someone who was a huge fan of Japanese Anime. Which is how I've most often heard it used for boys and girls.


debu_chan May 4 2005, 17:55:33 UTC
Traditionally it was "house", but has also become more of a slur to the likes of calling someone a rabid nutcase fanatic. ::shrugs:: From there, the person has to decide if being a rabid nutcase fanatic is so bad. :) In an episode of Soko ga Shiritai that I have, they give us a glimpse into the eyes of a few different types of otaku who are quite proud of who and what they are. There is a war otaku, an anime otaku, and a few others that I can't recall at the moment. If you want, I can upload it and host it for you to download so you can watch it? You also might want to start searching around for episodes of it yourself. It's a great show, AND it is subbed, so you'll learn a lot of realistic use of Japanese. I love anime as well, but Japanese used in anime is slightly different from that used in Live Action, and drastically different from something that is a documentary.


kawaiianimegirl May 5 2005, 18:05:52 UTC
Thank you for that definition! ^___^ And yes, if you could please, would you upload the episode of Soko ga Shiritai?


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