wow, all my exams are over^^/
so the only thing i still have to do is to wait for the results which we will get on monday. this day is veeeeeeeeery important, cause it will decide about whether i can go to japan for a year>o<'
god, i hope so much that my result is acceptable!
oh and we got our graduation t-shirts:
It says 'wir sind hilden' on the back. well the name of my school is hildegardis-gymnasium' and there is that german band 'wir sind helden'(We are heroes). so that is why. below there are all our ~100 names
well it's not too great>-<
this monday i gotta go to school from 11am till 5pm.
11 getting tickets for the graduation party
2.30 making group picture
3 getting to know the results
3.30 viewing our tests and the corrections
on the school board it said for this group picture: Please don't dress TOO casual.
hm??? how much is too casual??? what do u think? can somebody help me what to wear please? should i dress in black suits? or is it ok to come with jeans?
oh and almost forget it being too nervous about those results:
this monday is also my BIRTHDAY>-