Title: The Boy in HIS Basement
Genre: Horror, Romance, Angst, Friendship
Pairing: Akame, Ghosts x Kame
Rating: R
Summary: Mental diary of Kazuya Kamenashi. Trapped in the basement.
Author’s Note: Awww , sorry for POSTING SO LATE ! IT'S BEEN ABOUT 6-7 MONTHS !! D:
Day 09
There are more whispers
More whispers today
They weren’t as freaky as before
Maybe because I had to deal with these whispers for two days after they started ?
Day 11
How long has it been since I have been in here
All I know is that it’s been 11 days since I woken up fully for the first time
Some of the whispers have been becoming scarier than the ones from before
They have started saying names
Clear and they are easy for me to understand
The name I haven’t heard for quite a while
The person I want to be with but cannot because he has gone missing
He has never been turned up after someone supposedly robbed him and kidnapped him
I couldn’t believe what they said
I knew it wasn’t true
And after all this whispers of fear and hurt
I know he wasn’t kidnapped
He left on his own
Jin Akanishi
Day 11 [Later in the Day]
“Jin, go back to Kame”
“Jin, stop hurting me please!”
“Jin Akanishi, you know Kazuya won’t like this! Go back to him!”
All this various whispers I hear
I cannot bear the thought that he was hurting people close to us
No wonder I saw many with small scratches and bruises
I never truly paid attention
But I was somewhat concerned
I never did like any of my closest friends hurt at all
For some reason, this voices are like …… warnings
They don’t sound too much like ghosts
Just voices from the past
Voices that are replaying themselves back
Something bad may happen to me
I just am not sure what may happen
For some reason, I have a BAD feeling about this
Should I ignore or pay close attention?
Day 15
He came down in the “basement” today
He actually came
For once I caught him coming down here
Because usually food and water would be out already when I am awake
It would be out while I am sleep , so when I wake up I won’t have ANY clue who been in here
But I finally caught him
My lover , my band mate , my bedmate , my co-lead singer , my everything
Jin Akanishi
He looks like he has been through a lot
He looks like he is feeling regret
He looks like he is feeling regret , guilt , and he looks like he has been tormented
He had a depressing glare on his face
He looked somewhat skinnier for his age and how he normally looks
He wanted to do some kind of harm to me
But it looked like he held it back hard
And after he said my name , he left
Day 16
I didn’t see him today
But I heard more things in this basement today
“Jin Akanishi , if you won’t let me go you are going to die by the hands of my men”
“How could I die by the hands of your men if you don’t even know where we are”
“I will find out , I don’t care how but I will”
“Go to hell Johnny Kitagawa”
Multiple shots were fired
I feel sick to my stomach , that’s how Johnny-san died
Too sick to think anymore
Johnny-san ….. Rest in peace
Day 17
Jin killed Johnny-san
Jin killed Johnny-san
Jin killed Johnny-san
Jin killed Johnny-san
Why Jin …
Why did you do that …