tagged by aranel_gamgee, you dirty bitch

Apr 17, 2006 20:54

Once you are tagged you MUST write a blog about 6 of your weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.

1 - I have a mild oral fixation with metal objects. I chew on paper clips all the time at work and do the same with the tips of pins.
2 - I can't stand writing with pens that have clip things on them. Whenever I get a new pen I have to break it off. Sometimes I do it subconsiously when I'm using someone else's pen and they always look so shocked that I would deliberately break their own pen right in front of them.
3 - I don't like taking an even number of showers. One is standard, but when I have to take another in the same day I feel a new type of dirty. But oddly, after the thrid it isn't so bad.
4 - I monitor lots of blogs, as you know. I have over a dozen blogs I watch without telling the people. I find that once you do, they stop talking about you.
5 - When I breath deeply or take a good yawn, I burp. Sometimes it's pretty loud and most always happens in quiet places.
6 - I have ocular migraines in my right eyes. This means that for 5-10 minutes about once a month, my right eye goes blind temporarily. It first happend on the day whe had a really bad ice storm in Lawrence 4 years ago while driving (the best place for it to happen). It hasn't been too big a pain, unless driving or taking a test, and I like it b/c it connects me with Shaoran.

I won't tag anyone b/c that's my style.
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