I'm really sorry that I haven't been abe to post or update as often as I would like.
This week I was diagnosed with Graves Disease. It means I have chronic hyperthyroidism. In other words, my immune system is attacking my thyroid gland. It's not life threatening....it just slows me down a bit. The symptoms (if you're wondering) are, extreme fatigue, dizziness, shaky hands (couldn't sign a check the other day), insomnia, sudden weight loss (not as good as it sounds trust me), diarrhea, lack of concentration, anxiety, depression, sensitivity to light, (the computer screen was too bright at it's lowest setting), shortness of breath and rapid heart rate.
The good news is, now I know what this is, and I no longer feel like I'm losing my mind :-D
I'm currently on Beta-blockers, which basically slow my heart rate down so I don't have a heart attack, (that would definitely put a kink in the schedule), and anti-thyroid meds. I'm not a fan of medication, and I'd rather find a way to deal with this naturally, but 2 days ago, I was feeling so bad that I had to do something.
My other options are surgery or radioactive thyroid treatments. o__O
On the bright side, the treatments might allow me to live out my lifelong dream of becoming a superhero. *grins*
So that's it for now, as I feel better, I'll post more. I miss you guys, I really do!
- KB