Disclaimer: The Kingdom Hearts 2 manga belongs to Square-Enix, Gangan Comics, Nomura Tetsuya, Amano Shiro, Tokyopop or whoever, and other assorted persons of great renown. This translation authored by
kay_willow and
libekory. Please do not reproduce without permission of the translators
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Comments 3
But, only a question... at page 17, does Seifer say only: "We came here to investigate the haunted house. For our free study project." or something else before? Because there are 3 balloons... Sorry for the trouble!
I double-checked the page, and the first of Seifer's three speech bubbles in that panel is "ore-tachi wa" which basically just means "we are..." He then continues, in the next bubble, to say that they're investigating the haunted house. So all in all two sentences. But I'm glad you were paying attention -- sometimes we do miss things like that. ♥
Glad you enjoyed~
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