Super Junior Archive + 100 Fics Challenge

Mar 17, 2008 00:54

Title: The Secret on Your Lips
Pairing: Siwon/Hankyung/Heechul
Genre: drama
Synopsis: Maybe his trashcan is full of paper scraps; little notes written to confess and cleanse and rip to pieces the sins he’s living.

Title: Radios and Starlight (and other things he can't explain)
Pairing: Kibum/Donghae
Genre: fluff
Synopsis: Donghae’s talking again, something about a constellation, and he barely hears because he’s thinking about Donghae.

Title: Nolens Volens (whether willing or unwilling), Alexithymia, Oxygen
Pairing: Eeteuk/?, Kihyukhae, Hyukmin
Genre: Angst, two fluff
Synopsis:  Little snippets of lives

Pairing: onesided?Kangin/Eunhyuk, Kangin/Eeteuk, Eunhyuk/Donghae, Eeteuk/? 
Genre: angst-ish? AU 
Rating: PG13
Warning: mentions of drugs and smut, crude language
Synopsis: Kangin is used to this. He’s used to the trouble, the debts, the midnight visits after gang fights and cop scares.

Title: Heartbeats
Pairing: Kibum/Heechul
Genre: Bittersweet romance
Rating: G
Warning: none
Synopsis: There were so many words racing through your thoughts - admissions, promises, hopes, pleas - but with his eyes looking straight into yours, all the words run dry.

Title: Full Moons and Minor Keys
Pairing: Zhou Mi/Donghae 
Genre: romance/drama
Rating: PG13
Warning: insinuations
Synopsis: Zhou Mi watches you - you glance up and into his gaze enough to know there’s no coincidence - but you can’t figure out why.

Title: Raindrops in Blue Puddles 
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae
Genre: romance
Rating: G
Warning: um, some angst?
Synopsis: Donghae tells him stories of his home and of the sea - and he thinks, Donghae is the sea -

Title: Patchwork Bridges 
Pairing: Siwon/Hankyung
Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Warning: Han!angst?  
Synopsis: His enemy is nothing tangible - it resides in the broken words and stumbled phrases, in the way his sentences (and thoughts and dreams) feel like a tangled patchwork of two languages.

Title: Parallels
Pairing: Siwon/Hankyung
Band: Super Junior 
Genre: AU/drama/romance
Rating: PG
Warning: deathfic
Synopsis: Siwon dreams of another heart beating in his chest, another’s blood flowing through his veins until his body cleans and purifies it - makes it his own.

Title: Dancing in a Burning Room
Pairing: Eeteuk!centric
Band: Super Junior
Genre: angst, character-centric, drama
Rating: PG-13
Warning: controversial topic 
Synopsis: They’re breaking apart (fragmenting, cracking, suddenly two halves of a whole) before anyone thinks to say stop - what are we doing?

Super Junior 100 Fics Challenge:
 Started: March 17, 2008
Fics Finished: 10/100

Who doesn't love fic challenges?

Works In Progress: 1

Title: This One Last Bullet You Mention, My One Last Shot
014. Home, Heechul/Donghae
Genre: AU, Surrealness?
Rating: PG13 (drugs)
Synopsis: “Hi,” He might’ve said, if he’d been in a good enough mood. The kid would’ve replied - would’ve started chattering away about something

Title: Glow
020. Glow, Donghae/Kibum
Genre: angst/comfort? 
Rating: G
Synopsis: A butterfly crosses in front of him, rises, falls; beats the wind as it touches the sun.

Title: Balance Act
027. Replacement, Heechul/Kibum
Genre: angst/comfort?
Rating: PG 
Synopsis: There’s a science to it, a balance in the seclusion and in the independence (that supposed freedom in solitude) that takes careful work to maintain.  

Title: Sea of Stars 
029. Sea, Sungmin/Siwon
Genre: angst/fluff?
Rating: G
Synopsis: Sungmin dyes his hair pink at three in the morning, twenty-two minutes and six seconds after a fan looked him straight in the eye and asked him, seriously, which member of Super Junior is he because she can’t remember.

Title: The Fallacies of Romance Novels
034. Acceptance, Hankyung/Kibum 
Genre: fluff
Rating: PG13 (cussing, quick mention of sex)
Synopsis: It’s the fact that he’s there, and you’ll wake up in the morning in a tangle of limbs and morning breath and hectic schedules, and it will all be a little bit brighter -

Title: Asthenia
044. Rejection, Eunhyuk/Eunhyuk
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Synopsis: (it’s not him, it’s not him, it’s not him, he chants - but underneath a thick sheet of denial he knows his own mind creates the thoughts, the voice.) 

Title: Before the Clock Drops 
050. Lost, Heechul/Kyuhyun
Genre: angst
Rating: PG 
Synopsis: Heechul sails in the door past the protesting nurse, complete with a full plastic bag and the usual overbearing presence.

Title: At The Stars 
092. Gorgeous, WC (Heechul/Donghae)
Genre: fluff
Rating: G 
Synopsis: His logic is lost on you (it always is, you and the rest of the reasonable, rational world), but you agree - if only to have a bit more time to escape. 

Title: Surrender 
096. I like you, I like you, I like you WC (Eeteuk/Donghae) 
Genre: angst, romance
Rating: PG-13 (cussing)
Synopsis: We try to fight it/But something's written in the stars/I just can't shake this feeling/It's just like a bullet and it's killing me

Title: Fire and Water
098. Soothing, WC (Siwon/Hankyung/Heechul)
Genre: drama/romance
Rating: PG
Synopsis: “I hate you. So kiss me.” It never crosses his mind to say no ; when Heechul’s words are laced with anger and frustration and fear

sujuchallenge, fic

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