Hey, well i am really really bored! And i have nothing to do since we have no school =(..I'm not that happy about it anymore, UGHH!! IM BORED
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Hey, well..We have no school today =) Yay for us...I didn't want to go..B/c i have been talking on the phone with MY LOVER! Guys, i'm not kidding..He's changed and it's good changes i think i seen his Ex-G/f Becky at a bball game..I dunno though..? But, i just thought i'd update..Love you all*
Hey well, I went shopping today and aftr we were done..I went to walmart and seen Kara =) Haha, I had fun!! But, I really don't feel like updating right now..I am on the phone with Chelsey Marie Herron =)
Hey guys! Well, I have been grounded since um, Mon or Tues..And it really sucked!!! Sheww, I was about to die!! I couldn't talk on the phone or get on the comp!! Ughh!!But, I am going to go for now..
Hey . Well , this lj is being really freeking gay .. It's like not letting amyone post comments .. B/c I tried to see if the friends only thing work . Well , it kind'of screwed it up ! ! haha , But .. I am going to go for now and see if this works ..