My bedroom.. the 2nd BIGGEST bedroom on the boat!
Sarah and Josh from Wisconsin..
Stephanie and Jake from Ohio...
Tim and Carrie from Wisconsin...
My first drink on the boat... with many more to beer pong games and drinks to follow
Paige Rogdney and Shaylee jumping off the side of the house boat
Steph after she came down the twisty tube slide.
Paige and Shaylee in the lake.
I was driving the house boat.. even though noone trusted me..
... i got tired so i drove the boat with my feet.. but i wasnt paying attention obviously.
We saw turtles.. and
76 FALLS.. where people have died from jumping off... see the cross on the top right hand corner?
Paige and I hittin the sun..
Giana joined us later.. where we cruised on her speed boat!
They finally got me to get in the water by jumping off the boat (with help with some hott guys) JKING!
My top came off.. The only time i was in the water!
Later that night i got a beer for gettin in the water... haha my mom is smiling in the background!
Josh and Sarah with Sarahs parents getting married in the background? jking
Our Glamor Shots By Deb.. (haha)
All of us.. THE END.