
Jan 30, 2010 12:34

A: List ten habits/facts/quirks about yourself.

1. I was born with my pinkies bent inwards at the top knuckle... not just curved a little but bent quite significantly. Like in this picture (that's not my hand but mine both look like that).

2. I'm an only child!

3. I only drink diet pop and I'm so used to it now that regular pop tastes completely disgusting and sugary to me. Aspartame FTW!

4. I'm a really, really, really picky eater... the list of foods I don't like is as long as my arm! Mushrooms, tomatoes (uncooked), honeydew, cantaloupe, shellfish of any description, green beans, white bread... etc...

5. For years when I was a teenager, I literally could NOT fall asleep without socks on... and now I'm the opposite.

6. I find the question "What kind of music do you listen to?" really irritating... partly because it's hard for me to answer since the answer really IS almost anything, and partly because I feel it's usually coming from someone who's a bit of a music snob... not always, but usually...

7. I'm Canadian, but my heritage is a mixed European bag... western Europe on my mom's side (English, French) and eastern Europe on my dad's (Polish, Croatian, Austrian) and there's more in there too but that's the biggest parts of it.

I ran out of things!! So seven is all ya get!! :p
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