So this week hasn't really been the best of times. Fighting the flu here at Chateau D'Phlegm. Katiemonster has had a cough and snot for going on 3 weeks, Connorzilla is picking it up and they've let it mutate before trying to give it to me and dear hubby. Bleh.
We spent 3 hours Sunday at the clinic so that all of us could be seen instead of going to the kid's weekend/off hours clinic (woulda been quicker). The practioner we saw was great. Checked everyone out - no strep throat, no ear infections, but lots of sinus drainage in everyone and possibly a sinus infection or two brewing. So 'scripts all around for antibiotics (haven't filled mine yet) and for something called sudall - an extended release form of psuedophed and chlortrimeton that does dry up my head, but makes me SLEEPY. However, if it keeps K from coughing so hard that she throws-up in her bed, I'm all for it. Flip side is, it may be making C a little wild man at Kindergarten.
He's been in trouble the last 2 days. Had to 'pull a card' (their discipline system) twice tuesday and again today. AND he cut holes in his shirt today. One of his train shirts. Big holes, fabric missing. I could try to stitch it up, but it'll be obvious there are chunks missing.
So, we came home and had a 'talk' while daddy fixed dinner. At one point he said that "there's something in my brain that makes me be bad" - HIS WORDS. Huh?!?! WTF??? He's five years old, where did THAT come from??? So now I got to have the talk that he KNOWS what's right and what's wrong. And HE'S the one who decides how he is going to behave. Yeesh. Punishment was meted out (homework, dinner, then clean up and to bed. No cartoons, NO computer, NO bedtime story, and if he wasn't good the rest of the night, no night-night song.) and the evening progressed. After dinner, on the way to get ready for bed, he tells me he has a rock in his nose.
HUH? 'naw' I think to myself, 'he must just mean the boogers feel like rocks'. But I'm a good Mom, when he persists after the clean-up and jim-jams that he has a rock in his nose, I get my trusty penlight, look and .......I'll be damned, there's something up there.
After much saline spray and nose blowing (and visions of how I would explain this to the ENT guys I work with who would be extracting it) the chunk of asphalt came out of his right nare. Pointy on the ends, nearly 1/2 inch long and 1/4 inch thick.
It gets better - "Isaac put it in my nose" Right. "Everyone had rocks in their noses." Uh Huh. So, you're telling me Isaac snuck up on you and stuck a rock up your nose. and everyone had rocks in their noses too? He finally said " Actually, I did it."
I don't think I'm going to have to worry about the boy as a teenager. I don't think he'll live that long.
I think I can feel my hair turning gray.
Well, time to go take my own flu meds. Maybe I'll actually sleep though the night tonight.