i keep picturing her silky legs
wrapping around your waist with desire
pulling you into her
wanting and getting what i can't have
and i want to tear her away from you
scream and thrash a bit
angry that this was even happening
i couldn't believe it
i'm so disappointed in you
do i have a right to be disappointed?
do i have a right to run in
pull her by the hair
drag her away from you?
do i have the right to cry?
i keep picturing her fingers, curved, gripping your shoulders
stroking and stroking and stroking
fuck, i don't even know what she looks like
are you even into redheads?
how hot is she, anyway?
i just keep seeing her legs
wrapped around your waist
with passion and lust
and i want to scream with fury
i can't believe you've resorted to this
but what right do i have to judge?
i was the one who left you
left you wishing that whore was me
that it was me you were kissing, holding
maybe even fucking
why are people the way they are?
making things out to be such a tragedy
her silky legs around your waist is a tragedy
the tears i cry as a result of her curved fingers is a tragedy
your guilt and your lust for her is a tragedy
so fuck all of this
we deserve better than to feel all this bullshit
i wish everything could be okay
even though i don't even know what would entail
what do i want from you?
i want to want you
i want to be with you
i want you to be the one i fall in love with
i want to desire you again
and really.. maybe that's the only reason why
i still want you in my life
i need to stop this madness
this insufferable madness
this idiocy
this game that i'm playing with myself
this game of denial
of self-deceit
i left you for a reason
a reason i believed in
i need to stop wishing and hoping for the impossible
but i'm not sure how
will someone just fucking tell me how?
cuz once i know how
i'll do it in a second.