So much for LJ'ing more often - I just suck at this :).
But lots of news - biggest first - I'm engaged! BF is now F (hmmm....there has to be a better acronym for that...). He took me to New York City for my birthday (right there indicating keeper status) and then, during the fireworks, popped the question (and yes, he does love to say that I saw fireworks when he proposed....). The rest of NYC was amazing - great food - bagels, pizza, fancy stuff, street food, hotdogs, just YUM. Amazing musuems. I've been to the Smithsonians and to Houston, Dallas, and Austin musuems...but the Met, the MOMA and the Natural History - wow. Especially the Met. Caught a show - South Pacific. We had amazing seats - we could see the actors spit..but I was underwhelmed - It didn't feel fresh - I'm trying to figure out why, and can't exactly - I've read some books on screen writing and I now (if don't totally understand) that modern pacing is different for movies, which makes me think the same might be true for plays - I hate not liking something, but not knowing WHY.....
On the bad news front, Otis has a mast cell tumor on his foot - they are operating today - it will wipe out my savings account - OUCH....but hey, emergencies are exactly why I started this account (OK, I started it so I could quit my job, but hey, he's my baby....) If all goes well, 90% success rate for non-re-occurence. He will also have to have radiation therapy. I never thought I would be one of those people who spent gobs on medical procedures for pets - but then, when the rubber hit the road, I had that checkbook out pretty fast.
I'm working on my Gen Fic Exchange. Got excited to do it and am totally stumped. TOTALLY STUMPED. Starting to panic a bit.
Other life - Work - same old, same old. Signed up for another triathlon - now I will have to get my butt out running again - it is extremely unmotivating to go outside when it is 100+ degrees, however.
Next up - learning how to do mutliple LJ cuts.