Been a while, as usual, for varied reasons. One being that even I get tired of having nothing really interesting to say, and bitching about doctors gets old very fast for readers as well as writers.
Let's get the boring crap over with and get on to the good stuff.
I've healed up well, and am back at work, doing what I need to do. Any lingering soreness is so mild it's not even really worth mentioning. However, new things have come to light in this mammary saga. evidently, my papilloma wasn't content with the status quo, and had to rebel. "Atypical", they called it. Rather than being a small, wart-like growth, it's long and stringy and -everywhere-. Hence the large scar where they took out as much as possible, but still couldn't get it all. The scar doesn't bother me. I have tons of scars. Pfft. But they are sending me to a specialist at UCSF. I don't have the appointment yet, but news as it happens, and until then, I'm ditching the subject.
Not so easy to ditch is memory. I had a hard time earlier this month, as the 2nd was Mr. B's birthday. I was unable to go to our customary dinner for financial reasons, but I did go see a movie, as was our habit since our birthdays were so close together. Thoughts of him have weighed heavily lately. I miss him. I wish I could show him everything I've accomplished -- everything I've done was because of him. Even the surgery. It was only because he left me a gift that I could afford to get it done. I just wish he could've seen what he's given me.
As of my last weighing, I've lost a total of 130 lbs. I'm wearing sizes I haven't seen since high school. I've had to send back the new scrubs I ordered for work twice, and the pants 3 times(!) because they're too big. I got new clothes for my birthday this past Monday which included a couple vests and a plain brown long-sleeved shirt which I really rather like the look of, and hot damn but they FIT. My neck is no longer as thick as it used to be, and when I bend over at work to hold a dog my torc falls up and brackets my nose, or bangs my lower jaw. I find I really can't be annoyed. It's a nice problem to have. My reflection in the mirror or in passing windows is no longer round. This has given me a couple double-take moments as I catch a glimpse of myself, because I'm not used to seeing... straight(er) lines. My ankle has gotten better -- I still have the tendonitis, and still have to take medication for it, but not as often, not as much, and the pain has dropped a couple levels. I don't take it at all on my days off, and once in a while now, I find myself walking without a limp. Hell, at work, when the manager squirted me with water (he's a big kid, I swear) I actually chased him around the treatment tables. I -ran-. I have studiously avoided running for years. My ankle ached later, but it felt so freaking good. He was so surprised that I actually almost caught him before he zipped away. XD
Yes Leif, I haven't forgotten. But look what you started. It's long, and not finished. I have most of it done, but there's a chunk between the end and the middle that doesn't want to be pinned down. *grumbles* I need to start plugging away at it again though. I don't want to lose the impetus to write. Practice. I needs it.
There has been much art in the interim, and more will be forthcoming. None of it mine, but that just means it's better. XD
A wee giftie I got a friend for his birthday a while back. His Gallowspony character is too damn cute. Then a mouse anthro character of mine, as well as the large version of iconnage! All by the incomparable Ebryn:
A couple pics, of Kaz and another minotaur character of mine, Enola Ruatonim, by Ocha-ken.
Iconnage! I've got a lot of toothy icons, but hardly any smiling or otherwise. ...which okay, I know I'm a grouch, but not -always-. So! Not-snarling Kaz by Ebryn can be seen above, and Dapper Kaz below by Leopreston.
All in all, things are looking up. I find myself in a very different place than I did the same time last year, and the same place, all at once. This notch on the old stick of life is notable for many reasons. Some good, some bad, but changing, changing. While things haven't been peaches and cream... they haven't been slugs and cockroaches either. The problems I'm having, I'm working on. I am making new discoveries every week, it seems, on positive aspects.