Title: Karupin VS Rinko Fandom: Prince of Tennis Rating: G Warnings: N/A Summary: this time, we see how Rinko deals with Karupin. Can be Found: In FET Forums
Title: The first day Karupin was adopted Fandom: Prince of Tennis Rating: G Warnings: N/A Summary: Lol, just remember, this isn't reality... Can be Found: In FET Forums
Title: Hyoutei's Tradiation (Parallel to Seigaku's Tradition) Fandom: Prince of Tennis Rating: G Warnings: N/A Summary: Hiyoshi fantasises the time he will become buchou. Can be Found: In FET Forums
Title: Megane Part 3 - Which Path to Choose Fandom: Prince of Tennis Rating: G Warnings: N/A Summary: Momo and Kaidou fights as usual... Can be Found: In FET Forums
Title: Megane Part 2 - New Technology Fandom: Prince of Tennis Rating: G Warnings: N/A Summary: There's old, modern and new technology... Can be Found: In FET Forums
Title: Megane part 1 - Seigaku's Tradition Fandom: Prince of Tennis Rating: G Warnings: N/A Summary: 'Megane' translates as glasses. Can be Found: In FET Forums
Title: Akaya's Visit Fandom: Prince of Tennis Raiting: G Warnings: N/A Summary: Sanada sends his Kouhai to visit their absent buchou just before the match with Fuji... Can be Found: In FET Forums
Title: Dark Arts Fandom: Prince of Tennis Rating: G Warnings: N/A Summary: You know what I mean by voodoo doll? Never make Fuji angry. NEVER. Can be Found: In FET Forums
Title: Racoon Cat Fandom: Prince of Tennis Rating: G Warnings: N/A Summary: At the mention of 'Racoon Cat', Ryoma though Eiji-senpai and Momo-senpai were talking about Karupin, but actually... Can be Found: In FET Forums