I know, I know, you all thought I was dead. You even started making dibs on my stuff. Well, sorry to break it to you, but I'm alive. Sick, tired and freaking out, but still technically alive in the biological sense
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So tonight, like last night and the night before that, Pat and I went out to the docks to go fishing and squiding. This time around though, we grabbed Elmer and everything was going as usual. Which means no fish. So Mer sits down says, "Hey can I start out with the squid pole?" we say sure and the fucker gets a squid within the first two casts. A
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I have a "friends only" post up, since I complain or atleast talk about where I am and my boss. She does a lot of random stuff on the internet and I didn't want her searching for her shop and finding my LJ. So it's friends only
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