010 - Gay video game characters

Jul 31, 2006 16:22

From GayGamer.net:

20. Raphael Sorel - Soul Calibur 2-3

Haha, who didn't see this one coming? :D :D :D But JUST WHO is he GAY for? :D We'll never know, will we? Namco has a habit of not telling us character information like that! :D

19. Fox - Bloody Roar

I've heard of this game before, but I've never really played it. But come on. If you're a guy who wears blue eye shadow and a pink sports bra for an armor? Come on now.

18. Cybil Bennett - Silent Hill

She's one hot dead cop. But unfortunately, she's apparently a lesbian. Damn it....

17. Nagare Namikawa - Rival Schools 2

Bwahahahahahaha! Out of all the people in Rival Schools, this guy is gay! XD Then again, that's pretty questionable for the rest of the Rival Schools people, so... I still think Shoma is utterly... well, yes...

16. Alfred Ashford - Resident Evil: Code Veronica

LMAO~! At least I wasn't the only one who picked up on this~ XDDD Then again, GayGamer.net accused them of being trannies. And they might as well be~! Oh Capcom, what are we to do with you? :P

15. Eagle - Street Fighter (Capcom vs. SNK 2)

Apparently, Capcom admitted to restyling him as a tribute to Queen's Freddie Mercury to reflect the personality of the flamboyant singer of the group. Still, I don't get how a bushy mustache, red ascot, suspenders, and large sticks makes you ga--- OH WAIT I GET IT NOW~!

14. Major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov - Metal Gear Solid 3

This guy apparently has some sort of relationship with MGS3's Col. Volgin, and in the game, the Colonel grabs Solid Snake's crotch twice and says, "I know the Major better than anyone else," as he refers to Major Raikov. Hmm... THERE'S SOMETHING FISHY GOING ON HERE.

13. Zangief - Street Fighter

....W....T....F.... is he doing on this list?!?!?!?!

12. Vamp - Metal Gear Solid

A confirmed canon bisexual enemy in MGS2, who's lover was named Scott Dolph (Kojima Hideo named him after a Konami translator of the same name, who, coincidentally, is known as Scotty D. in the DDR songs like Drop The Bomb and in IIDX's Stick Around.) Anyway, Vamp is a member of the Dead Cell faction and he's got that unforgettable goatee. See here to find out what I'm talking about. Not a bad-looking guy at all.

11. Birdo - Super Mario Bros. 2 (along with other Mario-type games)

I'm going WTF at this. Birdo was a guy? But apparently, the manual for the Mario 2 game states that Birdo "thinks he's a girl and he spits eggs in his mouth. He'd rather be called Birdetta." So then in later games, they (Nintendo) corrected the "mistake" (according to GayGamer) and thus became female. Transsexual anyone?

10. Brad Evans - Wild Arms 2

Tall, dark, and handsome? You got it. As handsome as they get in Wild Arms games anyway. But apparently, this is actually canon. Brad has a b/f named Billy, who's been hospitalized because of severe head injuries. Aside from tall, dark, and handsome, he's also got a buff build, he's sensitive, non-stereotypical, and one of the most powerful characters in this game. But guess what? The US version didn't include any of the gay factors. GayGamer says it could either be just lost in translation or Sony decided to be "conscious" of its reputation that they decided to ignore it and purposely lose it in translation. I'm inclined to believe the latter.

9. Ash - Streets of Rage 3

I've never played Streets of Rage 3 (I have, however, played the first two) and judging by the looks of it, he makes transvestites look dumb for a pixelated character. SHAME!

8. Damian Shade & Rudolph Gartheimer - Groove on Fight

The first openly gay couple in the fighting game universe. But what disturbs me is that Damian is 17 and Rudolph is 43. Knowing that makes me go, "alkglakdghklfhglakdsfnbladfhglkasdhfkljasgfjkadfgoertasdlbf". And looking at this picture makes me think that this couple likes S&M. Damian already calls Rudolph "Master" so why not?

7. Hana Vachiel & Rain Qin - Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix

Eidos Interactive brought us an openly lesbian couple, and I have a hunch that it had something to do with #8. But nonetheless, this should have brought straight-edged fanboys and otakus alike to their disgusting fantasies of watching two girls getting it on. I don't think the game was popular enough, however. Apparently, Rain is a "tiger in the sack" and they end up becoming lovers. Ohohoho, talk about conspiracy. Lara Croft wasn't enough, was she? :O :O :O

6. Betram - Temple of Elemental Evil

This game was the first in video game history to include a gay marriage. In this game, you come across Betram, who later begs your party to rescue him from his quote/unquote master. If you succeed in doing this, he will elope with one of your male party members and live happily ever after. :D It's that simple, folks! XD

5. King of All Cosmos - Katamari series


4. Pierre & Gerard Magimel - Shadow Hearts: Covenant

These two brothers are apparently unmistakably gay. Why? If their appearance isn't obvious enough, there's more evidence that Pierre is. Pierre makes dresses for the party. YES, DRESSES. And they have style names like "Black Queen" and "Windy Pixie". Also, the only way to pay for those dresses are with items called "stud cards". A series of cards that have muscular men on them. x_x

3. Joachim Valentine - Shadow Hearts: Covenant

So as the game progresses, this character apparently starts dropping more obvious hints about his sexuality. But COME ON! With an alter ego known as "Grande Papillon" (Big Butterfly) and wearing a show girl-esque mask? You can change to Grande Papillon in one of two ways: 1) Wait for the golden line and the rainbow line in your power meter to cross each other, 2) Make it instantly happen by consuming an item called "Getitup". The description for that item apparently says, "The long-awaited medicine that makes you young again. Expansion exceeds 400%, so avoid overdosing. It causes increased excitement and physical transformation." GEE, WHAT PHYSICAL TRANSFORMATION? You mean the OBVIOUS large bump on my crotch? It seems like a mix of Caffeine x324646879465468 and Viagra. SO DO NOT OVERDOSE PLZ.

2. The Cho Aniki Brothers - Cho Aniki series

Really, when you have two muscle-bound (twin?) brothers with holes on the top of their heads that shoots beams and grow flowers, one just has to wonder. They had a game called "The Legend of the Holy Protein", in which you play the "Holy Protein" and are accompanied by these two brothers. The author consistently reminds everyone that these two are NOT GAY. Read. NOT GAY. The author only spent, according to GayGamer, hours upon hours of researching games and finding SO MANY pics of half-naked muscle men. Oh, and did you know? Semen contains a lot of protein. So if you straight guys want to make babies, make sure you eat foods that have protein. Otherwise, you could be sterile.

1. Tingle - Zelda series

I knew it. I knew it that fairies from this series are frickin' gay. They're apparently hated in the games so I won't say much more.

So they had some honorable mentions. Really, things that they forgot. But they're entertaining.

Bridget - Guilty Gear series

I AM GAY FOR BRIDGET. That's all that needs to be said about nun-boy.

Liquid Snake - Metal Gear Solid 1

I somehow thought he'd actually be on the list, but they apparently forgot. GayGamer reader Matt W sent this one in and he admits that while he's straight, he doesn't claim to be an expert on what makes someone truly gay. He does, however, agree that the Metal Gear Solid series is just one huge homo-fest. Looking at this, I'm starting to agree as well. Liquid Snake is Solid Snake's (so many things wrong with the latter name) twin brother. Blonde at that. Liquid is apparently a "scene-munching fireball of homoeroticism". This blonde refuses to wear a shirt, prances around like he's acting in a Shakespeare play, and rips Solid's clothes off for no apparent reason other than to show off their "bare-chested glory" for the fanboys. And apparently, Liquid's English voice actor is a gay-rights activist and a singer. But I do have one thing to say. He is one HOT mother fucker. The voice isn't all that bad, either.

Don Flamenco - Mike Tyson's Punch-Out

He enters a rose in his teeth and taunts Little Mac by saying things like, "I'm a beautiful fighter. I have such a style!" or "Hey! Mr. Referee Mario! I like your hair!" or "Carmen, my love... I dance so sweet for you!". Metro? Bi? Gay? You decide.

Juhani - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Ech, I don't have much of an opinion to Star Wars. But... this is apparently canon as well. You can choose to either kill her or keep her in your party. If you choose to kill her, a female Jedi at the temple (I don't know which one since I don't know this Star Wars at all) will "lambaste you for murdering her beloved one".

Hmm, I like that list. Thanks to schunoko for sharing that! :D

Hehe, who do you think should be on that list? :P Let me know by leaving a comment or three. :D I'll share my own list after you do with mine. I will, however, share one of them in particular.

So, who is it? I hope you're familiar with the series because I'm about to go off on a lengthy banter about it. And keep in mind, this is all my own theory.

Jin Kazama - Tekken 3 onwards

Jin Kazama is the son of Jun Kazama (she's got the abilities of an Angel) and Kazuya Mishima (he has the Devil Gene in him). According to the sequence of passing on the Devil Gene, it is passed onto every other generation. So while the first generation has it, the second generation does not, the 3rd generation gets it, etc. etc. Four generations before Jin, we have Jinpachi Mishima, who was indeed a carrier of the Devil Gene. His son, Heihachi Mishima, did not have it. Heihachi's son, Kazuya, has it. But Kazuya's son, Jin, has it also. Let me explain why.

Jin Kazama is the son of Jun Kazama (who has the abilities of an Angel) and Kazuya Mishima (who has the Devil Gene). Jun Kazama is what caused an interference with the sequence of the devil. This was made known when he first appeared in Tekken 3 that he had the powers of the Devil thanks to his father. Right before the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, his mother was basically taken away from him. She (Jun) fought Ogre and in a bright flash of light, she disappeared and Ogre died. He then went to his grandfather, Heihachi Mishima, where he was used as bait so that Heihachi could get samples from the Ogre to create the "ultimate lifeform". That, unfortunately, did not work. Jin defeated True Ogre, and Heihachi shot Jin on the back of the head. As Jin hangs on to stay alive, Heihachi shot him once again. So he's dead, right? Wrong! Jin transformed into Devil Jin and smashed Heihachi's head onto a wall and flew away.

Knowing Heihachi's betrayed him, Jin became quite the emo kid and loathed his very existence. And wanted to rip everything relating to Mishima into shreds. He hated his grandfather (for betraying him), his father (who was never around), his bloodline, his fighting style, the Devil Gene (who he inherited from his father no thanks to Mom's Angel abilities and characteristics). So for the next two years, he was done with everything to do with the Mishima Fighting Style Karate and learned traditional karate instead, while plotting revenge against his own family. After he heard of the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 4, he set his sights on the tourney, with a plan to kill his father Kazuya, his grandfather Heihachi, then himself to rid of the Mishima bloodline. By the time it was too late, he figured out that the tourney was a trap to lure in Jin set by his own grandfather.

I could go on and on about this, but I'm not gonna to spare you the details because they're pretty much in the same loop.

Basically? Jin is gay. Or at least celibate. Why? The reasons are obvious. He wants to get rid of the Mishima bloodline. Why would he want to sprout babies when he could just as easily pass on the Devil Gene to someone else? The Devil Gene sequence has already been messed up because of Jun. There's no telling whether Jin will pass that on or not. And sure as hell, he doesn't wanna take chances. But do I believe that he's completely devoid of letting people getting close to him? The chances are 90%, so I don't think he's completely devoid of it. His mother taught him well and knowing Jun, she wants Jin to be happy with whatever it is, and I'm sure Jin's got that soft, compassionate side to him like most other people do (thanks to Jun, of course). Because hey, this guy deserves to be happy for once. He's had nothing but extremely bad events happen to him ever since Ogre attacked his mother (and possibly killed her, we don't know that for sure, yet).

Let's briefly look into the friendship he has with Ling Xiaoyu, who also first appeared in Tekken 3. They were schoolmates so they knew each other. For how long, no one really knows. But was there any insinuation of a romantic relationship between the two? None that I could see. Though, I could see (and it's painfully obvious) that Xiaoyu would have this big über crush on Jin. But that ain't gonna happen. She's almost always going through extremes to get Jin's attention. But does it work? Not all the time.

Then there's also Hwoarang (damn Korean whore), who again first appeared in Tekken 3. He got into a hussle with Jin and guaranteed himself and to his gang that he'd win. Unfortunately, it came to a draw. Ever since, Hwoarang has been pestering and bugging Jin for a rematch. For at least 2 years, mind you. Now that Jin has switched styles and is now aware of his full potential with the Devil Gene, is Hwoarang going to win? His chances are, in my opinion, 2%. Like Xiaoyu, he's always going through extremes to get Jin's attention. Does it work? Not when it came to the subject of a rematch. Jin JUST isn't interested and this Korean whore can't figure it out. Or refuses to figure it out. I can't tell which anymore. So at this point, I'm positive that it's more than just a rematch and that there's some form of interest in Hwoarang's end.

Is Jin gay? My money is on "YES". Would he be the type of person to talk about such things? HELL NO. There are many other Tekken fans out there who'd agree. To the Tekken elitists, probably not since all they really go for is the gameplay. But let's face it. The evidence is right there. Why would you want to get rid of your lineage and be interested and have sex with women at the same time? Jin isn't like that. He wants to set things right, and spewing out Jin Jr's ain't the right thing to do in his case.

If you read all of that, then more power to you. Have a good day! :D

Damn.... k_valentine, I wanted to go to that focus group you advertised, but now that you guys are full.... :(
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