Well, not filled with unicorns. I'm sure that would hurt. And no, no unicorn!preg comments, kthx. That would definitely hurt.
So, I'm sure many of you have heard about the
latest spoilers. About That Episode.
I laugh to keep from crying.
So Sam will be Jared and have Ruby!Gen as his wife, he'll be all "wtf I killed you!" and she'll be all "what's wrong, honey, want me to make you some coffee?" and then Dean will be show up and Ruby!Gen will be all "Hey Jensen, how's it going?" and Dean will freak the fuck out and try to kill Ruby again because she's evil and backstabbing and wanted to let Lucifer out of the cage and Gen will be all ::(( what did I do?? I know you're upset I took Jared away from you but that doesn't mean I'm DEMONIC and Sam will be all I MUST HAVE SCRATCHED THE WALL THIS IS HELL.
It would be funny if it was supposed to actually take place in Vancouver, though. They can use recognizable landmarks on purpose! And mock Canada in other ways.And I bet they'll somehow bring fans into this.
I just, Ahahaha. Ha, ha ha. I am simultaneously SO EXCITED for this episode and CRINGING SO HARD I WANT TO THROW MY TELEVISION OUT THE WINDOW. Except I don't have a television. So, metaphorically speaking. Not throwing my laptop.
In other, non-spoilery news, I finally got myself some new icons! They make me happy. And now I need to do schoolwork like never before. Motivate me?
Other than that, I seem to have developed a new fascination with unicorns.
This rec post (especially
this fic by
elizah_jane ) have brought this back full force. I don't have time to do anything about it now (see above point about schoolwork) but I must say I'm tempted to ask for unicorn-and-other-mythical-creatures related prompts at some point. Would there be any interest in that? Either just for me, to get my writing mojo on, or we could make a comment!fic post thing out of it, if other people wanted to play as well. OR if there has been any such thing, please point me to it!
In conclusion: I think unicorns would make my schoolwork more exciting.