"I think there's a room reserved for you in hell." - WhiteJen

Dec 14, 2005 16:59

So apparently this year can't end without me being handcuffed and arrested.....Glorious. Talk about some "it was the best of times it was the worst of times".

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Comments 4

girlieaction December 15 2005, 02:34:13 UTC
same :(


kazootime December 15 2005, 14:23:49 UTC
You too?! Damn lady, what was yours about?

I swear, we should start an NWA tribute band......fucking cops


* rongles December 15 2005, 04:07:27 UTC
i still wanna know what that good news was about in your previous entry about your friend


Re: * kazootime December 15 2005, 14:23:02 UTC
Good news was Nolan's got a girlie-girl because all this bad shit has been happening to him this year and now something good finally happen. But then when I met her he introduced me by saying, "This is Jeremy; he's probably the 2nd worst person you'll meet behind Mayhew", so screw him!


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