Ichirin no Hana
Warped Reflection
for Dear
Here i AM
Hoseki no Namida
Mizutama Ramune
Haitoku no Jonetsu
Real World
Style~get glory in this hand~
With YOU
What For...
Pearl Shadow
Kuroagea Mau Oka
Hosizora ni Furi Yuki
Garden of My Heart
Orange Range
Yume Jin
Winter Winner
pe nyom pong
Sazuki Jammer
U topia
Love Parade
Natural Pop
Onegai! Senorita!
Party Night
Full Throttle
Shanghai Honey
Asian Kung-Fu Generation
Rewrite Album version
Haruka Kanata
Kimi no Machi Made
Kimi to Iu Hana
Kona Yuki
Kuneki five- Understand
Mai Warrudo
Rasuto Shinn
Shindou Satoshi
Sono Wake Wo
Sunny Day
TM Revolution
Into the Deep Blue
Zip Album version
Lover Saver
Yume no Shizuku
Twinkle Million Rendezvous
Abort: Clear
Toki no Namida
D-Technolife Album Version
Yasashisa no Yaziku
Ai Ta Kokoro
Just Melody
Lump of Affection
Tobira SE
FAKE? (Japanese band, British singer)
Here We Go
Just Like Billy
Ken Hirai
Tame Iki Quip
Pop Star
Lovin' You
Omoi ga kananaru sono mae ni
Ookina Furu Tokei
Dragon Ash
Let Yourself Go
Life Goes On
Underage Song
Random Junk
Departure - Hironami Amanno
Iropoppi Jiretti - Morning Musume
Kimi ni Aitakute - Hironami Amanno
SCREAM - Glay X Exile
Let's Be Friends - nobodyknows+
Glamorous Sky - Yuki
Wish - Arashii
Because of You - Ayumi Hamasaki
Heaven - Ayumi Hamasaki
Beloved - Glay
Sky - Bennie K
Floatin' - Chemistry
It Takes Two - Chemistry
Rewind - Chemistry
Go Your Way - Chemistry
Two as One - Chemsitry X Crystal Kay
No More Pain - D51
Dead Tree - Dir En Grey
Withering to Death - Dir En Grey
Dune - L`Arc~en~Ciel
Sekai wa Sore wo Ai to Yobun de Ze is what the world calls love - Sambo Master
Kimi Ga Matteiru Kara 7th Night - Gackt
Love Letter - Gackt
Mind Forest - Gackt
Mirror - Gackt
Sakura Sou - Gackt
Tea Cup - Gackt
Seven - Gackt X HYDE
Grateful - Dragon Ash
IKE IKE - Hinoi Team
Itsuka Dokoka De - Caligari
Jessica - Dir En Grey
Joyride - Home Made Kazoku
She Said...- Kat-Tun
Answer Will Come - Kimeru
Stand Up! I Break Away! - Kimeru
As if in a Dream - L'Arc~en~ciel
Dive to Blue - L'Arc~en~ciel
Evergreen - L'Arc~en~ciel
Snow Drop - L'Arc~en~ciel
Link - L'Arc~en~ciel
Time After Time - Mai Kuraki
Maiagaru - Onmyouzua
Miss You - Mflo X Ryo Hai X Melody
The Love Bug - Mflo X BoA
Mebae - nobodyknows+
Kokoro Odorou - nobodyknows+
Only Human - K/Kei
Raven Loud Speaker - KiSSMEoutku
Rzen - Kagrra
Journey - Reira X Yuna Ito
Dancin' All Night - Round Table
Saku - Dir En Grey
Scars - Dir En Grey
Passion - SE7EN
Growing UP - Shinji Kakjima
Shounen Heart - Home Made Jazoku
Shout at the Devil - L'Arc~en~ciel
BANG! BANG! Shitosukiwo! - SMAP
TRIangle - SMAP
Bang! Bang! Revolution - Rider Chips
Flashback - Rider Chips
FULL Force- Rider Chips
Next Level - Yuki
Lyra - The FLARE
Tsuki no Sankyuu - Piano MUCC
Take Me Higher - V6
Wake Up Your Heart - NaB X Kenn
Now or Never - Chemistry
Sora Kakegaru - BeamENDlesS
So like...as a kid, I was afraid of Abe Lincoln and clowns...like a LOT. I'd have nightmares about the two trying to kill me and stuff...like, one of the dreams was that an Abe Lincoln bobble head was trying to kill me in a go cart. Then like...one day we were at a flea market and the circus was there. I went to get something to eat and I saw a clown, this clown happened to look like Abe Lincoln, so I tripped him and then smacked him in the head with a bat. I also ripped the red nose off and ran, he caught me, so I kicked him in the ribs and ran again...after that I was never afraid of clowns again.
So one time me and my brother had a fight. I don't remember what it was about, but he was 18 I was 9 and he smacked me around a lot. He punched me and crap and I bit him for some reason, oh right, I kicked him in the balls too. Then I hid in my room, and a few hours later, my door was missing the bottom half. When my mom came home, she didn't even bother asking what happened.
Then once he threw me into a glass coffee table and...actually, that's all I remember about that one.
So one Christmas, I was talking to a friend, I was 8 or so. I told him it doesn't really feel like Christmas without a tree. A teacher over heard this, but heard wrong, she thought I said we wouldn't have a Christmas this year. So a lot of the staff liked me back then, I was outgoing and stuff and knew most of the school's staff on a first name basis. So they all got together and like...bought us a Christmas tree from france, really fancy ornaments and lights. They also bought us a lot of presents. I got a GBC, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Snap, Pokemon shirts, a lot of Pokemon. My brother got a lot of video games, my dad got a bunch of tools, my
mom got a lot of jewelry...and she was mad because she thought I told the teachers that we were poor or something and like...that Christmas rocked.
Blame Andy and Erica, they were bored so I told my stories.
For breakfast, I made a LOT of pancakes, arouund 30 or so. Fried eggs, fried rice, gravy and toast, because I was bored and hungry
9 Lasts --
9. last place you were: Kitchen
8. last cigarette: Does second-hand count? Yesterday.
7. last beverage was: Water.
6. last movie seen: Hotaru no Haka
5. last phone call: School
4. last food you ate: Pancakes
3. last bubble bath: So many years ago…
2. last show you watched: Garo
1. last song played: Kimi ni Aitakute - Hironari Amanno
8 have you evers --
8. have you ever fought anyone: Few times
7. have you ever killed anyone: ...no
6. have you ever danced on a grave: And I repeat…
5. have you ever wished you were born into a different country: Every now and then I wish I was in New Zealand
4. have you ever kicked a baby: Don’t think so. O_o
3. have you ever changed your hair color: Yup, red, blue, brown, yellow...not at the same time though
2. have you ever been depressed: I think I’m a little psychotic. So yes.
1. have you ever been lost: Yes.
7 cities you've been to --
7. New Orleans
6. San Antonio
5. Dallas
4. Atlanta
3. Charlotte
2. Houston
1. Mexico City
6 things you've done today --
6. talked to people
5. Watched TV
4. Cooked...a lot
3. Ate...a lot
2. Got online
1. did this survey.
4 people you can tell pretty much anything to --
4. Kelsey
3. Kura/Erica/David [canadians ftw~]
2. Mork
1. Andy
3 favorite colors --
3. Red
2. Blue
1. Green
2 things you want to do before you die --
2. Graduate from college and get a decent job
1. Become more fluent in Japanese
1 thing you thought you'd never do
1. Go back to school
Pick three letters: R, L, Q
Anyone with those letters in their name must now do this meme: Sure o_o
..::Personal Info::..
Name: Jorfe...Jorge...I actually spelt Jorfe there for some reason...
Middle name: Luis
Are you named after anyone?: Dad and uncle
Age: 17
Sex: Male
When is your birthday?: January 2
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Blood type: No clue
Where were you born?: San Antonio Texas
Where do you live now?: Charlotte, NC
Who with?: Mom, grandmother, cousin and her daughter
Have any siblings?: A brother
Are your parents divorced?: Never married
What is your heritage?: French and Mexican
..::More About Me::..
Hair color: Sporfle
Eye color: Sporfle
Height: 6'0 or so
Weight: 183
Clothing style: Whatever's good. Don't like big shirts. Jeans are okay.
Shoe size: 11-12
Political Persuasion? Somewhat liberal.
Do you wear glasses?: Nope
Contacts?: Nope
Do you have braces?: Nope
Piercings?: Had
Tattoos?: Nope
Right or left handed?: Right
..::Do You::..
Have any pets?: Nope
Drink?: Nope
Smoke?: Nope
Do drugs?: Nope
Have a curfew?: No
Like thunderstorms?: Yup
Do your homework?: Most of the time
Make good grades?: Most of the time
Have any phobias?: Heights
Play any sports?: Not officially
Play an instrument?: Nope
Have a job?: Nope
Believe in God?: Yes
Believe in karma?: Somewhat
Believe in government?: You can't really escape it...
Think aliens exist?: Possibly
Like to travel?: YES
Hate school?: Not hate, just growing tired of it.
Have a social life?: Of course not
Like having your picture taken?: Not really
Ride rollercoasters?: Hell no. Add that to my list of phobias
Daydream a lot?: Not really
Like cows?: Sure?
Have any hidden talents?: They wouldn't be hidden if I told you...
..::Have You Ever::..
Been in a fight?: Too many
Been in a car accident?: Yes
Gotten a speeding ticket?: Nope
Been fired from a job?: nope
Gone toilet papering?: no
Written graffiti?: Nope
Failed a grade?: nope
Skipped a grade?: no
Been skydiving?: no
Gone skinny-dipping?: Nope
Played strip poker?: ...once
Been to another country?: Yes
Another state?: Yes
Had a rumor started about you?: Yes
Dated someone younger than you?: Yes
Had braces?: Nope
Found a dead body?: Saw a dead duck on the road yesterday.
Faked sick?: When I was younger.
Made a prank phone call?: Yup
Broken a bone?: Don't think so
Been rushed to the E.R.?: Once or twice
Bitten someone?: Yup
Fainted?: Yup
..::Would You Ever::..
Become a monk?: Probably not
Run for president?: Hell no
Kill someone?: Never
Willingly become a vampire?: Nah...O_o
Food: Pizza
Drink: Water
Ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough
Flower: Erm...
Candy: Chocolate
Restaurant: None really
Places to shop: Hell aka Wal Mart
Movie: Hotaru no Haka, John Q, Garden State, Ultraman
Actor/Actress: No favorites
Music: J-Anything
Band/singers: L'Arc~en~ciel, FAKE?, Ayumi Hamasaki, DOA, Home Made Kazuko, HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR, Orange Range, Psychic Lover
Songs: Love Parade - Orange Range, Because of You - Ayumi Hamasaki, Take Me Higher - V6, Miss You - mFlo, Pride - HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR, XTC - Psychic Lover, Superman - Lazlo Bane, Fall to pieces - Velvet Revolver, One Headlight - The Wallflowers, Let Go - Frou Frou, Pulse - FAKE?, Lost Heaven - L'Arc~en~ciel, Only Human - Kei/K, Wings of Words - Chemistry, Zips - TM Revolution
TV Shows: Kamen Rider Hibiki, 24, Ultraman Möbius, Ultraman Nexus, Densha Otoko
Channel: No favorite
Album: Goover - HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR
Number: 14
Shape: Square
Animal: Cat
Day of the week: Friday
Holiday: None
Season of the year: Winter
Video game: Majora's mask
Childhood memory: Anytime before I realized my parents weren't technically raising us
Place to vacation: No favorite...never really vacationed
Smell: Gasoline at the gas station...what?
Fruit: Banana
Vegetable: None
Sport to watch: Football/Soccer and Basketball
Sport to play: Football/Soccer when I can
Vehicle: Cars?
..::This or That::..
Boxers or briefs or panties: ...boxers
Underwear or thongs: Underwear
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Movies or books: Books
Baths or showers: Showers
Work or play: Play
McDonalds or Burger: Subway
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Ketchup or mustard: Ketchup
Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip: Mayo
Beef or chicken: Chicken
Coffee or cappuccino: Neither. Blech.
Deal or no deal: Deal?
Life or death: Life
Kill or be killed: Be killed. I could never bring myself to take a life.
Moon or stars: Moon. Especially when it is yellow and large.
Croutons or bacon bits: croutons
Hot or cold: Cold
Fire or ice: Ice
X-Box or Playstation: Gamecube? Playstation if I must choose.
Skateboards or rollerblades: Skateboard. Even though I suck at both.
Light or dark: Light
Night or day: Night
Phone conversations or online chats: Online chat. I hate talking on the phone.
Last song : Sky - Bennie K
Next Song : Only Human - Kei/K
Anime/Videogame/TV world you wished you lived in: MM I guess
Language: Japanese
Country: New Zealand
Winter: Love it
Summer: Hate it
Spring: Love it
Fall: Love it
School: ...is okay
..:True Letters:..
A cat once tried to hump my leg
Bee stings hurt
Cats are cute
Ducks are weird
Erica is hyper right now
Fire is warm
George is what most people call me
Hate it when people do that
I don't know why I have nothing better to do
Jorfe is what I'm starting to call myself without noticing
Kelsey is lucky her name starts with a K so I could fill this space up with
Lots of kids around me
Might go outside later
Not gonna stay out for long
Oh God this is hard
Quiet here right now
Really wish it would rain
So I could go outside
Time is so slow today
Upstairs is where I live
Very hard to think of this one
Whales are fat
Xylophones suck
Yellow is Andy's greeting
Zebras own
Pick four people to do this:
Erica, Mork, Kura, Kelsey