Title : Dearest Heart
Setting : Hidarime Tantei EYE - Post “
Altered Ending”
Summary : Ainosuke and Yumeto finally have their old life back. But, as usual, Ainosuke just has to make his brother exasperated again. This time though, their banter took a more serious turn.
Rating : K
Disclaimer : Not mine, except for the storyline :)
Dearest Heart )
Comments 8
why is Ainosuke so spoiled?
why do I keep asking rhetorical questions anyway...?
marked as favourite too.
yay hidarime fandom is not dead!
excuse my bouncing around, I'm on sugar high. and this is so sweet too <3
it is not dead *pouts* though i'm sure quite a lot of ppl think it is..
thx for reading^^~
Ainosuke is the cutest~
*squealing with joy*
he sure is *grins*
thx for reading^^~
sayama_sensei can you give me the copy for that video??? >/\< I want to see it too...
thanks to make this story Kazu *hugs*
haha XD i'd like that too~
u're welcome XD
n thx for reading^^~
Can't believe i missed so much!!!
Ainosuke is such a cutie pie <3 I can't blame sayama sensei at all, cuZ well i would do the exact same thing :P
i think no one can really blame her for that.. even Yumeto approves of it:P
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