Revolve: The Complete New Testament

Feb 07, 2006 00:34

New Feature Alert!

Due to a lack of original content, I've decided to violate several copyright laws and just plagiarize somebody else for a while. Each day1 I'll bring you a quote from Revolve: The Complete New Testament, the teen girl's magazine answer to religious apathy. (Yes, this is the work highlighted by Eugene Mirman.) In addition to the *actual* text of the New Testament - meh - it includes fantastic little features such as "Blab", "Didya Know?", "Learn It Live It", "Radical Faith", "Guys Speak Out", and many other critical side commentaries!

Since this is the first installment, I'll share two to help you get the idea:

"Guys Speak Out

Q: Do you prefer quiet girls or outgoing girls?

A: Quiet. I mean, they need to be not painfully shy, but I don't like it when girls are too aggressive or pushy." (p. 308).


Q: What is God and the church's view on homosexuality and its place in the world?

A: You want God's view, or the church's? Start with God. Romans chapter 1 says that it is impurity. It's a sin, just like gossiping about your best friend is a sin. You need to stop acting on your impulses. Sometimes the church's view can be a little harsher. Many people in the church see it like the worst of all evils. But they are looking at it through human eyes. God says it's a sin: It's not how he made you, so stop." (p. 310).

1 Or so.


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