Returning Home

Jun 28, 2006 21:51

As my HTML skills are a bit rusty, I've decided to do a bit of brushing up by creating two websites. The first I don't want to give away - it's really just a single joke taken too far, but it amuses me enough to create a website for it. That one's coming. The other is on a more serious matter...

As many of you know, when I came to college in late September of 2001 I was in the midst of an important transition in my life from a 'conservative Republican' (though not a good one - I voted for neither Bush nor Gore, supported a welfare system, and failed to hate gay people) to a 'liberal'. This post is a good illustration.1 Well, in my senior year of college I have begun another important transition, this time from Democrat to Monarchist.

I don't suggest we pay allegiance to just any monarch, and certainly not one of our own choosing. No, I humbly submit that it is time for repatriation with Mother England. For too long we have behaved as petulant children, but the time has come to be return home. Clearly the American people are clamoring for hereditary rule - how else might one explain the election of George W. Bush (or Ted Kennedy)? Our desire for empire has become apparent in Iraq but so has our inability to achieve that end, so clearly the answer is to take the first steps in re-forming the British Empire. Now THEY knew how to subjugate brown people!

So as a public service, I intend to create a website devoted to allowing people to get involved in the Great Return to Great Britain. For instance, did you know that re-establishing an aristocracy is simple? Simply support a movement to repeal estate taxes! The rich has suffered for far too long, I'm sure you'll agree. You'll find loads more information (including guides to British slang!) once I get it all up and running. Jolly good!

1 ...if poorly written - also if you must poke around in that period of the archive, I will say I have grown a great deal since then. Looking at the differences between the 11th and the 14th you'll find that growth was at times rapid. Except in sheer typos - those have never gnoe away. ;-)


Note: A post on Burning of the American Flag is available at ACiviLUnion.


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