Title - Ordinary
Author - Kazzy
Rating - PG-13/T
Spoilers - Parting of the Ways; possibly Children in Need and The Christmas Invasion, but not overtly.
Category - Drama, Romance, AU
Summary - The Tylers are pretty normal. However, nothing is as it seems. Why does the Doctor remember the names of people he’s never met? Why does Rose keep forgetting
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Comments 18
Of course, you need to write a sequel now and deal with those lingering issues between the Doctor, Rose and Jack. :-)
There's so much lingering awkwardness and uncomfortableness between them, which is perfectly understandable given the implanted memories and, in Jack's case, the memory of being left behind. The Jack/Doctor conversation brought a lump to my throat.
And now the Doctor thinks he can never be more than a friend to Rose, yet remembers how it felt to be her lover. I don't think he can keep that resolve - at least, I'm hoping not ;)
Excellent story, and I hope it won't be long before the sequel comes along.
No, I don't think the Doctor can keep his resolve either, but we'll have to see. In the sequel. Which may or may not be soon. I've just been offered a real job with real money and these things can hinder the whole writing thing. Thanks for the review, and sorry it took so long to reply!
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