There are many, many, many more. These are but a few (I just liked the idea of a nice round number). What can you come up with?
1. She found the transmitter, while the Doctor was still looking around him like an idiot [Rose]
2. She saved the Doctor from 'death by Auton' [Rose]
3. She saved hers, the Doctor's and Harriet Jones' lives by putting them in the cupboard [World War Three]
4. She stopped the Doctor from destroying the Dalek [Dalek]
5. She saved the lives of herself, Jack and the Doctor by making a hole in the ground with Jack's gun [The Doctor Dances]
6. She found a way back to the Doctor - abuse of the TARDIS or no [Parting of the Ways]
7. She destroyed the Daleks and saved the universe [Parting of the Ways]
8. She stood up to the Sycorax, thinking the Doctor couldn't save them, and knowing someone had to do something - no matter how scared she was [The Christmas Invasion]
9. She wasn't fooled by Cassandra [New Earth]
10. She had no intention of being eaten by a the werewolf, and was well on her way to saving both herself and the members of Torchwood house [Tooth and Claw]
11. She knew something was up long before the Doctor in 1953, and she found Mr. Magpie first [Idiot's Lantern]
12. She helped the crew of the mining base figure out a way to safety [The Satan Pit]
13. She destroyed the Devil's body, trapping him in the black hole [The Satan Pit]
14. She spotted Chloe kidnapping children [Fear Her]
15. She saved the Doctor and the world by setting the Isolus free [Fear Her]
16. She stood up to the Daleks, keeping herself and Mickey safe [Doomsday]
17. She kept the breach open so the last of the Daleks and Cybermen would go through [Doomsday]
18. She was (arguably) the one who kept the Doctor from destroying himself after the Time War [Rose, The End of the World, Dalek, Parting of the Ways] (to name some of the more explicit examples)
19. She kept her head on numerous occasions while around her others panicked (I'm not even going to bother listing specific examples: there are tons, but you can do it for me!)
20. She was compassionate to others, and often tried to get them to be better than they thought themselves to be. (as above)
I will re-iterate what I have said everywhere else. Do not come into this thread and bash either Martha or Rose. And that includes the passive aggressive stuff this fandom is so very fond of.