Title - Ordinary
Author - Kazzy
Rating - PG-13/T
Spoilers - Parting of the Ways; possibly Children in Need and The Christmas Invasion, but not overtly.
Category - Drama, Romance, AU
Summary - The Tylers are pretty normal. However, nothing is as it seems. Why does the Doctor remember the names of people he’s never met? Why does Rose keep forgetting
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Comments 17
Am still REALLY enjoying this fic! thanks so much.
Glad you're enjoying it! :)
I'd love to see how Jack reacts to everything later after waking up. I have no doubt he'll be very confused about where he is. Poor guy had to go through someone else playing with his head.
Can't wait for the next part. :)
And poor Jack has everyone playing around with his head. It's amazing that he doesn't go mad with all the mixing that goes on there. next thing you know he's turning into River from Firefly!
Thank you!
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Welcome to AU. I love them so much. I love writing them so much. And WIP. Although I have to admit that WIP annoy me too because they don't always get finished, though I have to admit that as a whole DW seems pretty good at that. Now I just have to start practising what I preach.
And what's this I hear about rave reviews? That is so neat. *hugs all reviewers* I love my reviewers.
I too am feeling a bit sniffly for all three of them. It's hard on Rose and the Doctor with all that they know now about what it's like to be together, but in a very different situation, one they couldn't hope to emulate. It's so very sad. Still it's not all doom and gloom, I promise.
And then there's Jack. he's not going to hit the Doctor, although you're right, he probably should.
Don't worry about the rambling - I love the rambling.
Thank you for the awesome review, and I'll work on chapter seven asap. :)
*Luke, I am you're father* oops I knew what fandom it was,lol *Geek Girl on parade*
Thank god its not gonna be all doom and gloom *Happy face* but hey even if it was its still a bloody good read, Im enjoying it alot.
Can't wait for seven*Glad she doesnt have to wait that long*
I like this chapter, and the Doctor's bits of dialogue in particular seem just right.
I look forward to reading the last chapter!
(And eventually the sequel!)
Poor Rose and poor Doctor. They both have to wake up to the real world, and while that's better. They still both have to live with what happened, with what they know. Easier for the Doctor to deal with, but no more fun for him than for Rose.
Eventually is right when it comes to the sequel. But I do promise to do my best to get it sooner rather than later!
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