well talk about pissed off. its 2 am right here but i gotta comment cause i happen to fall on yer journal when this even ocrued. cause my ass is lazy i had to take a piss but dint feel like going upstairs. so i remembered that hole in this basement i dug when it was flooded. so i decide to piss in the hole. but unfortunatly its dark. and using echo location like bats do i listened to see if i hit the hole. dont think i did much. i cant piss in a toilet it broad day light so this was a huge feat for me. o and cheer up grey skies will clear up. im man enough to cry and admit it. but i feel ya so i dedict this song im hearing in my headphones right now to you. it was all yellow. later dayz ~Nik
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later dayz ~Nik
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