Title: Wedding Dress
Pairing: Dani/Ethan
Fandom: Nowhere Kids
Word Count: 263
Type: Drabble
Dani paced back and forth across the small room as she tried to get her nerves together. She was getting married. For real walking down the isle and gaining a husband. She had asked her mother and sisters to leave so she could as least try to calm down, but it didn’t seem to be working very well.
“Hey,” a familiar voice said from behind her. Knowing exactly who it was a wide smile broke out on her face before turning around. Ethan has taken a moment before addressing her, taking in the sight of her from behind. She looked beautiful, even more so when she turned to face him, smiling like she was more than happy to see him. Walking over to him quickly she cupping his face in her hands and kissed the side of his mouth.
“Isn’t this bad luck?” she asked, pulling back to look at him.
“I don’t think it really works that way,” he replied softly with a small smile. “Are you nervous?” she nodded her head ‘yes’. He knew she was probably worrying about tripping over her dress of heels, worrying even more on if she was going to be a good wife, he knew her that well. “You’ll do fine,” he said simply, running a thumb lightly over her blushing cheeks which caused him to chuckle lightly. Seeing that she was calm now he spoke again.
“You should probably get out there, don’t want to keep Sterling waiting.”
“You’re the best, Ethan,” Dani smiled again, kissing his cheek before heading out.
“I know,” he sighed.