Title: Vanilla Twilight
Pairing: Aidan/Ryleigh
Fandom: Nowhere Kids
Word Count: 273
Type: Drabble
Aidan sat on the porch of his family’s farm house, untied boot clad feet propped up onto the wooden banister as he looked out over the green land. Not too far out the cows and horses were grazing and he could hear the clucking of the chickens out back. Leaning back in the old rickety wooden chair his hand moving to his chest and fingers playing with the beads of his grandfather’s rosary.
He didn’t go with her to New York, she didn’t come with him to Ireland, they had never even gotten to the point of visiting one another. His decision to make Ryleigh choose between him and Camden had put a tight strain on their relationship. One that neither of them could take, so when the time came to leave the program they went their own separate ways. However there wasn’t a day that went by where he didn’t think about the girl. Getting up and leaning against the railing it looked up at the darkening twilight sky, starts twinkling brightly.
Ryleigh stood on the terrace of her mother’s apartment , arms crossed over the railing as she looked out at the darkening cityscape. New York was beautiful with the lights turned on. The sounds of cars and people honking their horns and yelling from below. These were the lullabies that often lulled her to sleep, but she would be lying if she said she didn’t miss the voice that used to sing to her some nights back in South Carolina.
She sighed as she looked up at the sky, she couldn’t see the stars, but she bet that Aidan could.