Title: Charmer
Pairing: Jimmy/Spencer
Fandom: Nowhere Kids
Word Count: 226
Type: Drabble
“You’re back,” Spencer said unexcited as he walked into the Infirmary to see Jimmy sitting on top of one of the examination beds. He really wished that she would just go away. He wasn’t in the mood. It had been months since he and Lauren had broken up, since she had turned down his proposal and he didn’t need the girl pulling at his strings teasing him. But there she was smiling at him like she was just so happy to see him.
“That I am mi cielo,” she stated ushering him over. He wondered what sort of sickness she had come up with this time. Spencer stood a little ways in front of her and she slipped herself off of the bed so that she was standing, looking at him with that sweet smile on her face. Why was she always looking at him like that? “Come eat Lunch with me,” she stated. Spencer’s eyebrows furrowed at this. Over the months Jimmy had been coming in here, flirting with him, getting him to chat idly. When he thought about it, that’s what had gotten him through most days. Waiting for Jimmy to come in and take his mind off of Lauren. Jimena was such a charmer.
Jimena held Spencer’s hand all the way to the cafeteria, only letting go when they crossed the threshold.