Title: In Hot Water
Pairing: Lauren/Kora
Fandom: Nowhere Kids
Word Count: 373
Type: Drabble
“Lauren, come on I want to take a shower before I go to bed! A warm one.” Koraline whined outside of the bathroom door. The two had moved in together after Koraline decided that she no longer wanted to live in the program, but she also didn’t want to live in a house all alone. That is where Lauren came in. While Koraline paid for the mortgage Lauren paid the bills and they both chipped in for groceries.
Living with her best friend was awesome, just not when the plumbing in your bathroom was out of whack and something else was wrong with the water heater so the hot water ran out quickly. This place was supposed to be brand new.
“I’ll be done in a few, I just need to shave my legs!” Lauren yelled back over the sound of the rushing water. Koraline sighed. “A few” meant twenty minutes in Lauren time and twenty minutes meant no hot water and after three days of cold showers she was pretty determined to have a warm shower even if it didn’t last long.
“I’m coming in,” Koraline said to the other before she opened the door and stepped into the steam filled bathroom. Shutting the door behind her she spoke again. “I’m getting in too, I’m not taking another cold shower.”
“Oookay?” Lauren asked, sounding unsure about the situation. Koraline was unsure as well, but the warmth in the bathroom promising her hot water was more tempting than the awkwardness that was nagging at her. Pulling off her blouse and dress pants she hesitated before pulling off her bra and panties and slipping into the shower with Lauren. They were both women, they had the same parts and therefore had seen them before. Her eyes couldn’t help but to skim over Lauren’s body. She was a lot fuller than Koraline in such a way that she had more curves. Pushing this thought aside she stepped into the warm water and sighed in content causing Lauren to chuckle.
“What?” Koraline asked with furrowed brows.
“You really wanted a shower that bad?” Lauren asked as her chuckle turned into a laugh. Koraline pouted.
“Shut up.”
This wasn’t as awkward as she expected it to be.