Title: As the Crow Flies
Pairing: Dani/Matilda
Fandom: Nowhere Kids
Word Count: 127
Type: Drabble
It seemed like time was flying by so fast. She remembered Matilda being just five years old, her incredible love of fairies , Disney movies and the color pink much to Danielle’s dismay. Now she was going off to third grade, picking out her own clothes, spending time at her friend’s houses and already talking about boys. Time seemed to go by so fast.
But as grown up as Matilda seemed to be getting, Danielle still cherished the moments that they had together like right now where Mattie just sat cuddled between herself and Sterling in their bed and they watched movies together or Danielle would read (only upon request since she hated reading) to the two of them while they fell asleep. Time sure did fly.