i am god (of shits)

Jun 22, 2008 14:33

Umm...for the 3 votes, there's nothing to vote for, so i'll do it when more applications come out? :D

Name RS

Nickname(s): Same as above, cause i'm not giving you my real name.

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Likes: Writing, friends, drawing, anime, manga, playing, reading etc.

Dislikes: Hypocrites who can't admit that they're hypocrites, bugs, heights.

Strong Points: Umm...i can...write? I guess...and i'm friendly to my friends and show concern.

Weak Points: Can get a little bossy sometimes, and annoying too :3

Hobbies: Writing, reading, doodling.

Talents: Writing...i think...

Favorite quote: From? umm...If KK is "Male Chauvinist" by Karin xD

Future Goals: A published author.

Mature or Immature?: Immature in looks and sometimes behaviour, but mindset mature.

Optimistic or Pessimistic?: In between realist and optimistic

Leader or Follower?: Leader

Outgoing or Shy?: More outgoing, though i can be shy at some 'first times'

Impulsive or Cautious?: Mix i suppose

Dominant or Submissive?: Umm...it...depends...i guess xD

High, Medium or Low energy level?: Ranging between medium to high usually (:

Favorite color?: Purple! The lighter shades!

Favorite season?: SPRING!

Favorite animal?: Umm...umm...PENGUIN! Andand...furry animals!! *_*

Favorite food?: Uhh...loads of food are nice :D...chicken rice? xD

Favorite character?: Micchi probably...

Favorite God or Goddess?: Artemis (That's not even inside the show lol!)

Please post a picture or describe yourself: No picture! I'm shy! Umm...black hair, around slightly longer than shoulder length. Average looks, and i wear spectacles! :D

Anything else? Hi XD

kazune, stamped

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