My lusty affair with LASIK

May 25, 2007 18:01

OMG OMG OMG ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

kialli May 26 2007, 18:44:59 UTC
Really, does anyone ever try to get into combat with the roles that we really need you to come play this weekend? So, you can't be an undead or kobold. Take an extra admin. or Fate shift (have I even ever seen you as Fate?)

But if ANYONE is stupid enough to go "I kill you" to the Lone Grue, how could they possibly think that wouldn't come back in some very bad way next event? And hags are squishy anyway, we could do that a couple of hours on Saturday.

I hate the yellow armband myself. But you are important to the game and we would all miss you, so I hope that you will come, if only for a few hours each day.

There's time before Wednesday. Write us up some non-combatant RP stuff? I'll go out with you anytime. Your drama skills are amazing and I cherish any opportunity to watch and learn. :)


frost_faerie May 26 2007, 20:48:17 UTC
Congrats on your new eyeballs! It's a great feeling, isn't it? It's been about 7 years since mine were done. So worth the silly goggles!


torilgrey May 29 2007, 01:39:30 UTC
Hey there!! Good for you, seems like something like that is such a major improvement for people who need it.

Take care of yourself and if we don't see you this weekend coming up we'll understand (Mostly ;P)


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