Your daily dose of twitter goodness...
- 07:22 time for rush sorting... only, like, 4 hours left xD #
- 07:47 @ sunflower_pixie yeah, it just came back up for me ^^; I really should have sorted earlier #
- 08:11 argh, is LJ down again? curses! #
- 08:17 @ alohachary1851 and I have to sooooooort! xD now I might have to go eat breakfast instead #
- 10:21 now back from breakfast, time to sort ^^;; I'm cheating this week >.> #
- 10:56 yay, done sorting! just before 11, too. now to go order sigtags from attentionwhore!@alohachary1851 XD #
- 11:51 god, it's so cold! I love the rain, but I wish it was a little warmer... gotta go grab some socks. #
LoudTwitter of d00m and d3structi0n!