Title: Books
Pairing: Okamoto Keito x Morimoto Ryutaro (OkaMori)
Author: Keanne (
keannegirl01 )
Genre: Fluff, attempt!Crack
Rating: PG
Summary: The “books” couple, wanted to go the America for a year together… Surprisingly, they made it without a problem.
Requested by: bb
th_geek ♥
A/N: Fuuuu. I wonder if my fluff will work this time? I’m having a hard time for fluff
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Comments 25
and I feel kind of evil forcing you to write fluff xD
Let's see, Keito and Ryutaro are all pervy and are writers too >D
kekekekekekekeke :D
I luff your plot bb! :D
/sigh, Keito you're slow, unlike our PedoRyu here~ <3
But I think I can do it for you. Fufufu. But as always, I'll be having a hard time again. LOL.
Weeee. When it comes to OkaMori, I can't help putting some beep. 8D
I almost forgot this was just... a PG. *shot*
You did? Srsly? Yay!! I'm glad you liked the plot. Fuuuu. <3
But slow Keito is adorbs bb! XDD
As always, thanks for reading and commenting. :)
But that would break the rules of the request post xD
I wonder why when it comes to OkaMori, you'll have to put in beep xD
Yes I love the plot 8D
Thanks for this again bb! :3
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I ALMOST DID. I forgot this was just a PG. LOL. :D
Thanks for reading and commenting Cwit-chan~ <3
I'm glad you liked the story~
Thank you for reading and commenting. :)
i'm expecting more, honestly *stabbed
book pair? =)) =))
ohm, weally.. ryuu-chan ish really cwuuute :*
great job :*
HAHA. Yeah~ they're a book pair! Morimoto confirmed it again. LOL. That kid really... xD
HIHI. I love making cute!Ryuu-chan when he's with Keito. *A*
Thanks for reading and commenting <3
*hides before anyone reads my mind*
Thanks for reading~ ♥
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